“I would say the single most powerful technique that I have found is when you start your day, rather than checking email or or anything, start by pulling out a blank sheet of paper, whether that's literal paper or whether, like me, you use an electronic note-taking system, and just think on paper about your day. How's it going? What's up? What am I going to do today? What are my priorities and so forth?” – Jason Crawford
Jason Crawford (@jasoncrawford) is Founder and CEO of The Roots of Progress, a nonprofit dedicated to establishing a new philosophy of progress for the 21st century. He created Progress Studies for Young Scholars and is a technical consultant and adviser to Our World in Data. He previously co-founded Fieldbook and Kima Labs, and was an engineering manager at Flexport, Amazon and Groupon.
Show notes with links, quotes, and a transcript of the episode: https://www.danielscrivner.com/notes/roots-of-progress-jason-crawford-20mp-show-notes 

Research on the Gutenberg press

Learning, planning the day, and improving sleep

Recommended apps, including Bear, Readwise, and Anki

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On success and gratitude

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“I would say the single most powerful technique that I have found is when you start your day, rather than checking email or or anything, start by pulling out a blank sheet of paper, whether that's literal paper or whether, like me, you use an electronic note-taking system, and just think on paper about your day. How's it going? What's up? What am I going to do today? What are my priorities and so forth?” – Jason Crawford

Jason Crawford (@jasoncrawford) is Founder and CEO of The Roots of Progress, a nonprofit dedicated to establishing a new philosophy of progress for the 21st century. He created Progress Studies for Young Scholars and is a technical consultant and adviser to Our World in Data. He previously co-founded Fieldbook and Kima Labs, and was an engineering manager at Flexport, Amazon and Groupon.

Show notes with links, quotes, and a transcript of the episode: https://www.danielscrivner.com/notes/roots-of-progress-jason-crawford-20mp-show-notes 


Research on the Gutenberg press
Learning, planning the day, and improving sleep
Recommended apps, including Bear, Readwise, and Anki
Recommended books
On success and gratitude

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Follow Outlier Academy on Twitter: https://twitter.com/outlieracademy.

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