Show highlights:
00:30 - Artificial Intelligence beats world champion Go player, in the eyes of Henry Kissinger, article is from The Atlantic June 2018
05:00 - Advances in IT infrastructure (compute and storage) makes AI possible
10:00 - Conflating AI and Machine Learning as a common mistake
17:30 - Marketing personalized with AI, going beyond machine learning for tailoring to your audience with content
20:45 - Ethics and adoption of AI and Machine Learning for businesses, as they don't have a choice in using it
25:00 - Cybersecurity is heavily using AI today to prevent breaches 28:00 - The 3 Areas for Understanding Data Science: (1) tech/tools/software/hardware (2) math/statistics (3) domain expertise of your industry and functional area
31:00 - Telling stories with data to help humans
32:00 - Data scientists in short supply