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Out There on the Edge of Everything®

208 episodes - English - Latest episode: 19 days ago - ★★★★★ - 1 rating

Dr. Stephen Lesavich

Society & Culture
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Podcast: Are You Going Around in Circles in Your Own Life?

March 20, 2023 17:48 - 8 minutes - 8.74 MB

Episode 135 Do you are ever feel like you are just going around in circles in your life?  What patterns are you repeating to give you the illusion you are traveling around in a circle? Let me share with you another true story. As you may know by reading my blog posts and listening to my podcasts, that I have worked as a janitor in a bar. I also worked as a janitor at a grade school which included the grades of kindergarten through six grade.  During the summer months, one of the big tasks...

Podcast: Initiate Change Into Your Life by Creating Lift

March 15, 2023 14:54 - 5 minutes - 5.9 MB

Episode 134 I recently did a blog post and podcast about following the updrafts in your life. Returning from a recent trip to Los Angeles, I was sitting in a window seat overlooking the wing of the airplane on my way back to Chicago. The forces operating on the wing of the airplane made me think about updrafts and lift. The difference in pressure between the bottom surface and top surface of the wing results in more pressure at the bottom and less pressure at the top, pushing the wing upw...

Podcast: Be Quick But Don’t Hurry

March 09, 2023 17:14 - 4 minutes - 4.67 MB

Episode 133 The late John Wooden (b. 1910, d. 2010) was an American basketball coach at UCLA and was nicknamed the “Wizard of Westwood.”   UCLA is in the Westwood area of Los Angeles.  Coach Wooden won ten National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) national championships in a 12-year period as head coach for the UCLA Bruins, including a record seven in a row. Coach Wooden is quoted as saying: “Be Quick. But Don’t Hurry.“ Coach John Wooden What did Coach Wooden mean with his quote? ...

Podcast: Lending a Hand

March 02, 2023 16:00 - 5 minutes - 5.9 MB

Episode 132 Let me tell you two more true stories about "lending a hand" to others. When I was about ten years old, my next step neighbor’s husband passed away very suddenly. At that point my brother and I took over the grass cutting and snow blowing responsibilities for our neighbor who became a single mom with four children. When I was a software engineer at AT&T Bell Laboratories in Naperville, Illinois, I was part of the Bell Labs Community Outreach program. One of my volunteer assig...

Podcast: What are you afraid of?

February 24, 2023 17:22 - 6 minutes - 6.71 MB

Episode 131 There are typically three types of fear that you are likely to experience in your life. Rational Fear. Irrational Fear. Primal Fear. If your irrational fear is extreme, it may cause a “phobia.” A phobia is defined as “an uncontrollable, extreme, irrational, reaction to something that may cause anxiety or panic.” For example, Claustrophobia is the fear of confined spaces; Arachnophobia is the fear of spiders; Acrophobia is the fear of heights, etc. I have an irrational fear...

Podcast: The Disappearing White Line

February 14, 2023 02:49 - 7 minutes - 8.08 MB

Episode 130 Let me tell you another true story. In addition to being a life coach, I am an athletic coach. I hold a US National Level One coaching license from USA Track and Field. When my daughter was in middle school, I was the coach for both the girls and boys cross country team. Cross country is a running sport in which individuals run races on open-air courses in parks, fields and forested areas. Virtually all cross country courses include a white line throughout the whole course f...

Podcast: Interview with Harmony Pavett of the Harmonic Egg – Naperville

February 03, 2023 02:27 - 20 minutes - 14.4 MB

Episode 129 An Interview with Harmony Pavett of the Harmonic Egg in Naperville, Illinois. The Harmonic Egg uses sacred geometry, light and sound technologies to restore balance to your mind and body. The Harmonic Egg was designed and developed by Gail Lynn. We discuss Harmony's spiritual path from a celebrity hairdresser to the stars in Los Angeles, to Bali, India and back to the US. We discuss Harmony's music including her world tours under the stage name Harmony Polo and singing of San...

Podcast: The Power of 369 Manifesting

February 02, 2023 15:26 - 6 minutes - 7.14 MB

Episode 128 Nicola Tesla (b. 1856, d. 1943), was one of the most influential and brilliant scientists of all time. Tesla invented and developed alternating current (AC) transmission and generation technologies for electricity. Anytime you plug a cord into a wall socket, you are using technology developed by Tesla. “If you knew the magnificence of the numbers 3, 6 and 9, you would have a KEY to the Universe.”  NICOLA TESLA According to Tesla, the numbers 3, 6, 9, form a “magical” code tha...

Podcast: Sometimes You Need a Different Shovel-

February 01, 2023 21:04 - 8 minutes - 8.71 MB

Episode 127 Are you spending all your time shoveling? Let me tell you another true story about actual shoveling. This true and funny story illustrates three important things to consider in any life situation you are facing. You don’t need to be using an actual physical tool like a “shovel” to apply the lessons of this story to your life. The lessons can be applied to just about any situation in your life, your job, your relationships, your daily interactions with spouse, significant othe...

Podcast: What Color Are Your Roots?

January 25, 2023 17:24 - 5 minutes - 5.9 MB

Episode 126 What color are your roots? My roots are blue. Why? My dad was a carpenter, a blue collar worker. He wore a hard had and carried a metal lunch box to work. One of my grandfathers worked in the steel mills in Gary, Indiana. The other grandfather worked in the Nash car factories in Kenosha, Wisconsin. I am from a blue collar family. There are many sayings and quotes about roots and wings. Here is mine.“ "Remember your roots, but always use your wings.” Stephen Lesavich, Ph...

Podcast: White, Pink, Brown or Black Noise?

January 22, 2023 02:36 - 5 minutes - 5.54 MB

Episode 125 What is electronic noise? Electronic noise is defined as “an error or undesired random disturbance of a useful information signal in a communications channel.”  The types of noise you have in your environment directly affects how you, feel, function, react during the day and how you sleep at night. The noise in your environment also directly affects your brain and how your brain functions. There are four types of electronic noise, white, pink, brown and black.  The difference...

Podcast: An Interview with Amanda Dacio of Red Dragonfly Healing

January 17, 2023 23:04 - 18 minutes - 12.9 MB

EPISODE 124 An interview with Amanda Dacio of Red Dragonfly Healing of the Milwaukee, Wisconsin metro area. We discuss her healing modalities of crystal healing, sound healing, Biofield Tuning and Human Design services. Out There on the Edge of Everything®… Stephen Lesavich, PhD Copyright © 2023, by Stephen Lesavich, PhD. All rights reserved. Certified solution-focused life coach and experienced business coach.

Podcast: The Absence of Presence

January 17, 2023 03:27 - 4 minutes - 4.81 MB

Episode 123 A number of months ago, I did a blog post and a podcast entitled: “The Presence of Absence.” Is the “absence of presence,” the same thing as the “presence of absence?” The answer is NO, they are very different concepts. To live in the present moment, you need to be present in your life.  If you are present in your life, there is no absence of presence. “To live fully in the present moment, you need to remove the absence of presence from your life.” Stephen Lesavich, PhD What...

Podcast: Interview with Dr. Jane Wright

January 09, 2023 19:00 - 18 minutes - 12.4 MB

Episode 122 An interview with Jane Wright, DDS, MS, a board certified orthodontist and an a adjunct faculty member in the dental school in Marquette University in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Dr. Wright has written a new children's book entitled, "The Capture of Clementine" about the Tooth Fairy and children practicing good dental health. We discuss why it is important to for children who still have their baby teeth and older children to brush and floss their teeth every night. We also discuss t...

Podcast: The Wisdom of Yoda

January 06, 2023 22:39 - 4 minutes - 4.95 MB

Episode 121 I just happened to see this soap in the store this past week. When I saw Yoda’s picture on it, I bought a bar. (I have no affiliation with the soap company and I am not getting any compensation to used it in this blog post). As a trademark attorney, I find the branding, “Wisdom Wash” very interesting. A “master” is defined as “someone having or showing very great skill or proficiency.” How you can apply the wisdom of Master Yoda and let it “wash” into your own life? Living ...

Podcast: Does Adversity Reveal Character?

January 02, 2023 18:08 - 7 minutes - 7.66 MB

Episode 120 I was recently watching football and Coach Bill Cowher, the former Super Bowl Winning coach of the Pittsburgh Steelers, said: “Adversity does NOT build character, it reveals your character.” Bill Cowher - Super Bowl Winning Coach Do you agree with this quote from Coach Cohwer? You will personally face adversity many times in your own life. "Adversity typically comes within the chaotic energy of change." Stephen Lesavich, PhD I wrote an e-book on successfully handling any ty...

Podcast: Interview with David Mariani of Basketball.Biology

January 01, 2023 05:05 - 19 minutes - 13.5 MB

Episode 119 Interview with Health and Fitness Coach and Celebrity Trainer, David Mariani of Basketball.Biology. We discuss David's views and training practices for starting off 2023 with a new health and fitness plan to live pain free. Is living pain free as simple as just walking backwards and stretching a few muscles? Physically Walking backwards also creates positive effects on your brain and your emotions. Out There on the Edge of Everything® … Stephen Lesavich, PhD Copyright © 202...

Podcast: The only easy day was yesterday

December 24, 2022 14:51 - 6 minutes - 6.5 MB

Episode 118 I was recently eating in a restaurant with a military theme. This sign happened to catch my eye. The sign read: "The Only Easy Day Was Yesterday." This saying is attributed to the U.S. Navy Seals and their ethos. One meaning of the quote is that yesterday was easy, only because it is already over. This quote is important to all entrepreneurs. Even as a civilian, how can you adopt portions of the U.S. Navy Seal's Ethos to be successful in your own life or your life as a...

Podcast: The Present Moment

December 20, 2022 21:23 - 6 minutes - 6.29 MB

Episode 117 I was Los Angeles again recently to meet with the CEO of a tech company that is one of the clients of my law firm. After the meeting I went out to dinner with a friend of mine who is a Hollywood actress. As he personally handed us menus, he observed us and asked if could he prepare a special meal for each of us based on what he saw “in the present moment.”  The special meal was not anything on the menu. Spiritual teacher Eckhart Tolle, who wrote the book, Power of Now (New Wor...

Podcast: It IS what you attract

December 04, 2022 22:23 - 7 minutes - 7.1 MB

Episode 116 Let me share another true story with you. I was in Florida recently to attend the wedding of a friend.  I was dealing with a client matter and it triggered an anger response in me.  I don’t get angry very often, so it was an unusual energetic state for me. So what do you think I attracted? That is correct, angry people. The Law of Attraction, simply stated, is “like-attracts-like.” I know many of you think the Law of Attraction is either not a real thing or something onl...

Podcast: Follow Your Updrafts

November 28, 2022 20:17 - 5 minutes - 7.43 MB

Episode 115 I was recently watching an episode of Open Minds on the Gaia network where Elieen Day McKusick is being interviewed about the energy associated with the human biofield. Ms. McKusick said in that interview: “Follow your updrafts.”Elieen Day McKusick If you are facing challenges in your life, you are likely trying to find solutions with your ego. In contrast, you can create energetic updrafts in your life using your intuition to find solutions to challenges you are facing. “Fol...

Podcast: Confidence.

October 28, 2022 17:04 - 6 minutes - 6.72 MB

Episode 114 - What is confidence? According to Psychology Today, Confidence “is a belief in oneself, the conviction that one has the ability to meet life’s challenges and to succeed—and the willingness to act accordingly. Being confident requires a realistic sense of one’s capabilities and feeling secure in that knowledge.” “A big component of confidence is being empowered.”Stephen Lesavich, PhD Being “empowered” is being in direct control of your own life, setting intentions, living fro...

Podcast: Is Your Ladder Leaning Against the Wrong Wall?

October 23, 2022 15:55 - 8 minutes - 9.53 MB

Episode 113 -  I was recently reading a book by Dan Millman, entitled “The Four Purposes of Life.” In this book Dan is discussing the difference between a career and a calling. On page 57 day Dan says, “Many high achievers have been pushed to the top of their professional ladders by social pressures or parental expectations, only to discover that the ladder was leaning against the wrong wall.” A  “career” as “a field for or pursuit of consecutive progressive achievement especially in publ...

Podcast: Is Voluntary “Freak Out” Stress Good for You?

October 05, 2022 13:23 - 4 minutes - 6.37 MB

Episode 112 - Most people agree that stress is bad for your physical and your mental health. Stress affects your ability to concentrate and typically leaves you in a fearful dis-empowered state. However, recent studies have also shown that “freak out stress” may actually be good for your health! What is “freak out stress?”  Is it really good for you? Are you willing to voluntarily engage in activities with some risk and put yourself in situations that cause “freak out stress?”   Are yo...

Podcast: Your Origin Story – How to Change It.

September 29, 2022 18:19 - 8 minutes - 10.6 MB

Episode 111 - What do you want to create in your life?Do you want to create a new life story?What gets you into a creative flow to create a new life story?It is a connection to your Higher-Self. Tune into your Higher-Self to enter a creative flow to create a new origin story for your life. So how do you change your origin story into something new? Changing the narrative of your origin story to something new allows you to make a positive impact in your life and the life of others. Out The...

Podcast: Back to the Edge

September 23, 2022 17:45 - 8 minutes - 9.01 MB

Episode 110 - There is a new show on the National Geographic channel entitled: Edge of the Unknown with Jimmy Chin The tag line for the show is: “The world’s greatest adventurers share stories of confronting the unknown.” My blog post and podcast channel is: Out there on the Edge of Everything®. From my first blog post and podcast I have talked about edges. You don’t have a surf an 80 foot wave, snowboard down a 60 degree slope or jump out of an airplane to go over the edges in your own ...

Podcast: The 37% Rule

September 21, 2022 16:54 - 6 minutes - 6.55 MB

Episode 109 - Mathematicians suggest you use the 37% rule for the biggest decisions you make in your life. What is the 37% rule? Simply put, when faced with 100 different options, you should select and discard the first 37 then continue your selections stopping at the first option that is better than what you have selected so far. You can adjust the math for the number of options you have to select from. I suggest you used the 37% Rule along with the Rule of 3 to make all important deci...

Podcast: What is Up and What is Down?

September 14, 2022 15:39 - 14 minutes - 18.5 MB

Episode 108 - Let me share another true story with you. A number of years back, I enrolled in a scuba class with a bunch of friends from work at a YMCA in the suburbs of Chicago.  After being certified, I went with a friend to dive in a quarry. The water was dark and cold and the visibility was poor. Diving into the dark depths of a quarry, I descended so fast I was completely disoriented.  It was so dark, I could hardly see my hand when I put it on my scuba mask.  The water so cold comp...

Emotional CPR

September 08, 2022 15:44

Photo by Michel E on Unsplash As an athletic coach who is coaching middle distance and long distance runners, I am required to undergo CPR training and renew that training every two years. CardioPulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) is defined as “an emergency procedure consisting of chest compressions often combined with artificial ventilation in an effort to manually preserve intact brain function until further measures are taken to restore spontaneous blood circulation and breathing in a person ...

Podcast: Labor Day and 15 Minutes of Fame

August 31, 2022 14:46 - 6 minutes - 8.62 MB

Episode 107 - Have you ever planned something fun or important and then decided not to follow through on your plans because of a change in circumstances?  Are you able to follow through and finish what you start even if the change in circumstances if very challenging? Let me tell you another true story. Many years ago, my friends and I decided to have a barbecue on a Labor Day Monday on Bradford Beach in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.  Bradford Beach is on Milwaukee’s east side lakefront on the ...

Podcast: What Virtual Anchors are Weighing You Down?

August 30, 2022 14:00 - 9 minutes - 10.8 MB

Episode 106 - Do you ever feel like you are being weighed down or anchored in place by your own life circumstances? Would you rather pull up your anchor and set sail to experience some new adventures? “A ship in port is safe, but that's not what ships are built for.” Admiral Grace Hopper Thinking about being weighed down reminded me of something I did a few summers ago. Do you ever feel like there is a virtual anchor around your neck that is very heavy energetically keeps dragging you d...

Podcast: Are You Responsible?

August 11, 2022 20:36 - 6 minutes - 6.54 MB

Episode 105 - Are you truly responsible for your own decisions? Or do you blame others for what happens in your life? Do you feel that something else or someone else is in control of your life? Do you always feel like you are victim? Being responsible in your own life depends on your state of responsibility. “Your state of responsibility is a reflection of your current emotional state, your current set of boundaries and your current set of beliefs.“Stephen Lesavich, PhD The emotion of ...

Podcast: What You Resist, Persists

August 02, 2022 02:41 - 7 minutes - 7.51 MB

EPISODE 104 - There is an old saying attributed to Carl Jung, the famous Swiss psychiatrist: "What you resist, persists."Carl Jung, Swiss psychiatrist Is a person, event or circumstance in your life causing an emotional trigger in you and causing you to experience, pain, anger, fear, guilt, anxiety or other negative emotions? Is your resisting to resolving the situation, triggering you either personally or professionally? There is another old saying, if you are resisting something in yo...

Podcast: Can You Pull the Silver Handle?

July 22, 2022 14:45 - 5 minutes - 6.21 MB

Episode 103 - Let me tell you another true story. Some friends of mine decided to try skydiving a short while ago for the first time. The skydiving school my friends went to offers static line jumps. Unlike tandem jumps where you are strapped to another jumper, with static line jumps you jump by yourself. For a static line jump, your parachute is hooked up to the airplane by a strap.   The jumpmaster opens the door of the airplane.   You step out and hold on the wing strut. When you ...

Podcast: The Intersection of…

July 18, 2022 17:31 - 6 minutes - 6.56 MB

Episode 102 An intersection is defined as “a point where two lines or curves meet.” An intersection of two lines is “a point where the two lines cross each other.”  There are many types of intersections and intersection points in your life. Intersections in your life are also places where you need to make choices. Intersection points in your life include the ability to make both positive and negation choices. For example, a positive choice at the intersection of fear and danger is “cour...

Podcast: What Are Your Personal Boundaries at Midnight?

July 14, 2022 22:55 - 8 minutes - 11.1 MB

Episode 101 Let me share a true story with you. When I was going to graduate school, I was working part-time as a bartender.  These rules for serving alcohol to the public in bars and taverns represented a set of legal “boundaries.” These legal boundaries are similar to our own personal boundaries. Boundaries include a set of beliefs which include rules and principles you live by, including what you will, or will not, say, do or allow others to say or do to you. Boundaries allow us to sep...

Podcast: The Power of WE

July 07, 2022 20:03 - 7 minutes - 8.47 MB

Podcast 100 -- I have thinking about what I was going to say for this podcast, which is number 100 for me. My first blog post and podcast I did, number 1, was on the concept of change and the chaos of the energy of change. I also wrote an e-book on successfully handling change that is occurring in your life you can download for free at slesavich.com. Unwanted change includes a breakup, divorce, death, loss of a job, an accident, an injury, an illness a chronic condition, a change in a liv...

Podcast: Trust When the Outcome is Uncertain

June 28, 2022 21:08 - 6 minutes - 6.65 MB

Episode 99 Trust is defined as “an instinctive, unquestioning belief in, faith in and reliance upon, something for which a desired outcome is not certain.” When an outcome in any life situation you are facing is uncertain and includes circumstances beyond what you can control, you must have trust. Trust has never been more important than in this period of unwanted change. Trust requires you to have faith in and a belief in a Higher Power and at the same time a faith and belief within your...

Podcast: Walking Backward to Move Forward in Your Life

June 23, 2022 00:32 - 6 minutes - 6.26 MB

Episode 98 Moving forward in your life, sometimes requires you to literally walk backwards. Walking backwards may actually improve the way your brain functions. According to Harvard Medical School “A study published in the January 2019 issue of Cognition found that people who actually walked backward, imagined they were walking backward, or even watched a video simulating backward motion, had better recall of past events than those who walked forward, or sat still.” It is the physical mot...

Podcast: What is Your Leadership Style?

June 16, 2022 17:05 - 6 minutes - 7.56 MB

Episode 97 Just about every time I hear an interview on television by some politician, the politician starts off by saying something like “under the leadership of” or “under my leadership” here is what we are doing or trying to accomplish.  At the same time many of the politicians also claim they “are not responsible” or “have no responsibility” for what is going on or the actions they are taking.  It makes me wonder if these politicians actually know what leadership actually means. One que...

Podcast: What is Your Attention Span?

June 13, 2022 16:37 - 6 minutes - 6.84 MB

Episode 96 To maintain my law license I am required to take 30 hours of Continuing Legal Education (CLE's) to keep up on recent changes in the law. I was watching a CLE video where I heard something interesting. The instructor in that CLE video said, the average person with average concentration and an average attention span hears only about 60% of all the words that are said to them and they retain only about 10% of what they hear. Therefore, they learn only about 6% (60/10) of what they...

Podcast: Say This Combination of Words: Love, Peace and Blessings

May 17, 2022 23:48 - 6 minutes - 6.24 MB

Episode 95 The words you use on a regular basis create an energetic point of attraction in your life. Is it possible that by reciting combinations of words, you can create new energetic point of attraction in your life? How about in the life of a person you may direct your combination of words to? There is some additive effect on the vibrational frequency of saying combinations of positive words. Saying combinations of positive words energetically or out loud allows you to create a new posit...

Podcast: Risk: Why 3 is greater than 2

May 09, 2022 20:51 - 8 minutes - 8.58 MB

Episode 94 Just like in a basketball game with a 3 point arc, in a 3 greater than 2 risk environment, your life is defined by a set of life arcs. Your set of life arcs includes a major life arc and multiple minor life arcs. Your major life arc and minor life arcs define a set of behavioral constructs that predict how you will react to the situations you encounter in your daily life. Inside your major life arc is your very own two point life zone with multiple different minor life arcs....

Podcast: A Yardstick with a Metal Edge

May 08, 2022 17:48 - 10 minutes - 11.4 MB

Episode 93 Let me share another true story with you.  About a nun with a yardstick with a metal edge used for behavior modification. Behavior modification is defined as a process of changing patterns of human behavior over period of time using motivational techniques. If there is some behavior pattern in your own life you need to change, considering doing it with positive reinforcement. Positive reinforcement includes introducing a desirable stimulus (e.g., a reward, etc.) to encourage a ne...

Podcast: Emotional CPR

May 05, 2022 16:27 - 6 minutes - 7.16 MB

Episode 92 As an athletic coach who is coaching middle distance and long distance runners, I am required to undergo CPR training and renew that training every two years. CPR is a simple but very effective lifesaving procedure to preserve a person’s brain physically when they are in cardiac arrest. My CPR training as an athletic coach made me thing about something as a life coach.  As a life coach, is there a simple but effective emergency procedure you can use to “preserve” your brain whe...

Podcast – Gain Clarity Through Contrasts

May 03, 2022 07:53 - 10 minutes - 13.9 MB

Episode 91 Contrast is a necessary component of personal growth and shifting emotions.  You actually live your life based on the contrasts you experience in it. You can’t know what you do want unless you know what you don’t want. Contrast causes you to clarify your preferences very precisely, so you get to decide what you do prefer and act on those preferences.  So if you do not want to feel negative emotions such fear, anxiety or depression, you need to create a contrast list to get clarity...

Podcast: What is Your Life DFI?

May 01, 2022 18:32 - 64.3 MB

Episode 90 Let me tell you another true story.  In addition to being a life and business coach, I am an athletic coach. As I have I discussed in other podcast episodes, I am a runner myself.  I was formerly a member of the AT&T corporate running team and even ran fast enough to win a large road race. I also coach distance runners.  I have been coaching cross country and middle and long distance track and field runners at a local high school for several years with great success.  A number...

Podcast: Basketball.Biology – Interview with David Mariani

April 25, 2022 05:02 - 25 minutes - 11.4 MB

EPISODE 89 Originally published January 1, 2022. To start off the new year 2022, I interview fitness expert and celebrity trainer, Mr. David Mariani of Basketball.Biology. David is a strength and conditioning coach for Athletic Truth Group (ATG). ATG training philosophy is in part, "knees over toes." The knees over toes philosophy was developed by Ben Partick and is based on the philosophy that "training the knees through a full range of motion can improve performance and reduce the ris...

Podcast – Hot Bikram Yoga: Interview with Ms. Pooja Ghosh

April 24, 2022 04:40 - 14 minutes - 10.8 MB

Episode 88 Originally published February 5, 2020. Did you ever wonder what hot yoga is? How about Hot Bikram Yoga? An interview with Ms. Pooja Ghosh (Instagram @ohhhmyghosh) Hot Bikram Yoga instructor from the Los Angeles, California metro area. Photo: Pooja Ghosh Instagram: Pooja Ghoosh Out There on the Edge of Everything®… Stephen Lesavich, PhD Copyright © 2020, by Stephen Lesavich, PhD.  All rights reserved. Certified solution-focused life coach and experienced business coach.

Podcast: It IS What You Feel

January 24, 2022 02:50 - 8 minutes - 8.68 MB

Emotions are defined as “bodily reactions that are activated through neurotransmitters and hormones released by the brain.”  Feelings are defined as “a conscious experience or conscious state of emotional reactions.” The difference between emotions and feelings is very confusing, but also very important. Feelings are very important if you are trying to manifest something into […] The post Podcast: It IS What You Feel appeared first on OUT THERE ON THE EDGE OF EVERYTHING®.


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