Welcome back to a brand new series of Out of the Bubble and once again I have fabulous line up of inspiring women for you. My first guest is has so many strings to her bow it's hard to know where to start! Susan Burrell is the author of Live an Empowered Life, Empowering Chats podcast host and public speaker. Susan is an intuitive healer and offers spiritual guidance for those who are at a crossroads in their life. I'm sure so many listeners will be able to relate to Susan and I already know from listening to some of her talks and writings that her insight and offerings will have an impact. Subjects we covered- Divorce and how to find the courage to make life changing decisions. 

Imposter syndrome & overcoming self doubt. 

How fear holds people back. What's your moral compass? How do you find it? 

Self love.

To find out more from Susan you can visit her website www.susanburrell.com Facebook @susanburrellpage Instagram @liveyourempoweredlife

 Don't forget to subscribe to the Out of the Bubble podcast you can also join the Out of the Bubble Facebook Group  Instagram @rachelperu1  Twitter @rachel_peru  Facebook @stepoutofthebubble

 I'll be back next Monday so in the meantime....Keep being fabulous x (Background music credited to Scott Holmes -Our Big Adventure)