John dives into Melee Combat Game Design with Nicolas Monteilhet-Laboissiere an Advanced Games Designer at WB Games Montreal

We talk about how he approached extending Free-Flow Combat in Arkham Origins, after going through the chronology of Melee Systems dating back to Zelda Ocarina of Time, God of War 1, onto the Batman Arkham series. 

He also talks about making the jump from QA to Game Design at Ubisoft Montreal

(00:00) Who is Nicolas Monteilhet-Laboissiere?
(00:04:20) A Day in Combat Design
(00:13:39) 3D Melee Combat History
(00:24:51) Combat Design Lexicon
(00:29:50) Free-Flow Combat and Souls Likes
(00:42:00) WB Games Montreal's Batman
(00:56:23) Arkham Origins Boss Fights
(01:07:07) Montreal's Gotham
(01:09:09) Evolve from QA to Designer
(01:24:32) John's Outro and Teaser
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