Dawn is a queer female Lutheran pastor, recently ordained in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (also known as ELCA). Her family is truly, as she would say, a "rainbow family." Her own siblings as well as her own children have come out to her throughout her life.

We delve into a discussion about her coming out later in life, and responding to a call to be a pastor 20 years after she had first heard it. Dawn is a proud queer woman who has come into her own and accepted her entire self. She now serves the Nashville and Middle TN areas through a new ELCA Lutheran collective called, The Table. And her gender pronouns are she/her/hers.

Find Dawn on Facebook and Instagram.

For Reflection - When have you felt like a part of you had been rejected by someone else? How did you respond? Who makes you feel whole and accepted, and how did they do that?

Episode Sponsor - The Table: Promoting spiritual well being for LGBTQIA+ and minority people groups in the exploration of self, faith, community and the deeper issues of being and belonging. A transgender support group meets twice a month and a Dinner & Devotion will be coming later this summer. To learn more, visit thetablenashville.org, or find them on Facebook and Instagram.

Resource Mentioned - Vanderbilt Divinity School: Website, Facebook, Instagram

Out Loud is a podcast by and for queer people of faith in the South. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram, and join our mailing list for updates. Support the show financially by becoming a Patreon member and receive exclusive content and merchandise. Or leave a one-time donation on our website.

Editing by Cariad Harmon

Music by JP Rugierri

Recorded at We Own This Town in Nashville, TN