Our Spring Finale! We’ll return with new episodes this Fall.

Raised Catholic and a native to Nashville, TN, Alan now has a home in the United Methodist Church. He works at Cumberland Heights, an alcohol and drug treatment center in Nashville, where he specializes in substance abuse.

My conversation with Alan is a journey of finding self-worth that I know so many of us go through. After coming out, Alan struggled with his faith to the point that he turned to drugs and alcohol. He went into recovery and will celebrate seven years of sobriety next month. He has since found a home in Glendale United Methodist Church which has put meaning and ministry back into his life.

Find Alan on Facebook and Instagram.

For Reflection: 1.) Recall a time when you felt like you were at your lowest. Where did you turn? How did you get back up? 2.) How does religion inform your view or yourself? Do you view yourself positively or negatively? Has that shifted recently or in recent years? If so, how?

Episode Sponsor: Glendale United Methodist Church - Glendale UMC is inclusive, affirming, and reconciling, a community that shares God's love for all people. Glendale UMC is a faith community that includes people of many diverse backgrounds and faith journeys – old and young, raised in the church, new to church, those from other denominations and faith traditions, and some who question it all. Come as you are to worship on Sundays at 10:00 AM in-person (when it is healthy to do so) or online at GlendaleUMC.org/Live. And be sure to find them on Facebook and Instagram.

Resources: Based on this conversation, Greg recommends reading: People of a Compassionate God, edited by Janet F. Fishburn, which tells several accounts of churches becoming more open and affirming to various populations. Also check out, Cumberland Heights (Website) and Hot Mess Sports (Website), which were both mentioned in the episode.

Out Loud is a podcast by and for queer people of faith in the South. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram, and join our mailing list for updates. Support the show financially by becoming a Patreon member and receive exclusive content and merchandise. Or leave a one-time donation on our website. Editing by Cariad Harmon. Theme music by JP Rugierri. Special Thanks on this episode to Will Potter, and again to Cariad Harmon, for sound consulting as we record from home during the COVID-19 pandemic.