Our Season 3 Premiere! Lindsey Dye is a Case Worker at the Mental Health Cooperative here in Nashville. Growing up Baptist, she struggled to find a church after coming out, eventually finding one in the United Methodist Church. Lindsey is from Mt. Juliet, TN, where it was difficult to find the resources she needed for support in coming out. Today, her focus is on guiding LGBTQIA+ youth through coming out and the journey beyond. She identifies as lesbian or gay, with the gender pronouns she/her/hers. Find Lindsey on Instagram, @lindseygayle.

For Discussion: When have you been told you had to be/act a certain way by your church, and how did that affect your view of yourself and your sexuality?

Full episode transcript available at outloudstories.com.

Episode Sponsor: Edgehill United Methodist Church - Worship times are Sundays at 8:15 AM (for a smaller contemplative service) and 10:45 AM (for a larger service with their choir). To learn more, visit edgehill.org.


Torn: Rescuing the Gospel from the Gays-vs.-Christians Debate by Justin Lee

Unclobber: Rethinking Our Misuse of the Bible on Homosexuality by Colby Martin

Organizations in Nashville:

Edgehill UMC

Glendale Baptist

Nashville in Harmony

Out Crowd Nashville

Oasis Center

Mental Health Cooperative

Mental Health Resources, recommended by Lindsey:

Psychology Today


Health Connect America

Out Loud is a podcast by and for queer people of faith in the South. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram, and join our mailing list for updates. Support the show financially by becoming a Patreon member and receive exclusive content and merchandise. Or leave a one-time donation on our website. Editing by Cariad Harmon. Music by JP Rugierri. Recorded at We Own This Town in Nashville, TN.