Bonus Episode in response to the COVID-19 Health Crisis. Originally broadcasted March 26, 2020 on Instagram Live. Pardon the audio quality as this was not recorded in the studio.

How are you taking care of yourself? It's a question I ask most guests toward the end of their interview, and it's especially pertinent now.

In this bonus episode, I brought Kelsey Davis back on the show to share her thoughts about gathering and self-care during these uncertain times.

Since moving away from Tennessee, Kelsey has continued her work with emerging communities for the Episcopal Diocese of El Camino Real in California. Most recently, she's been a part of the Theosophia Podcast, and in response to COVID-19, she’s also been hosting a regular night prayer online.

Our conversation touches on surprise happy hours with loved ones and yoga classes with landladies, and the new roles that we find ourselves in as hosts of so many new gatherings right now. Together we ponder how to create gatherings that are mutually beneficial even when we feel drained. Kelsey offers the refreshing advice of “We’ll see!” as we make new plans and let old ones go. We also discuss the importance of owning your own story and sticking to it, especially if you find yourself at home right now with unaffirming friends or family members.

I hope you enjoy this conversation as much as I did in the midst of these trying times.

We mentioned a few people and books/articles during our discussion:

Pete Rollins
“Reaching Out” by Henri Nouwen
Nadia Bolz-Weber: “A Mini Sermon in a Fearful Time,” Video / Manuscript
Mary Oliver: Poem “My Work Is Loving the World” from her collection of poetry, “Thirst”

Looking for more affirming resources right now? Head on over to my blog for a list of resources that I’m compiling with friends of the show.

Season 3 will return in April! To be in the know for when new episodes drop, follow @outloudstories on Facebook and Instagram, and while you’re at it join our mailing list, too! And consider becoming a Patron to help offset production costs and support this growing ministry of affirming resources for queer people of faith here in the south.