Holy, it’s finally here! Episode 11 of Out In The Wilds is up! This one’s for you all — everyone who has shared kind words with us, yelled about characters and conspiracies with Aly or just been along for the ride. We appreciate all of the support, adore you all and are ecstatic it’s not over yet!  

This is the first in a series of non-recap episodes that we are so excited to share with you. We’ll talk our Big 4 Theories (one is 3 parts— does that make it Big 6?), Deserted Island Partner of the Season, favourite characters, and our hopes and dreams for next season. We’ll also ask you all to think hard about who Gretchen really wants to win, why there is a USSR submarine clock, and when the girls were picked. This one is analysis heavy (you’ve been warned!), but also we promise there’s some jokes. Or no jokes? Who’s really to say.   

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