Welcome back to Out In The Wilds! It’s time to shout about Episode 10/Day 23 on the island and to talk about what we honestly think is one of the best season finales we have ever seen.

We’re going to go deep into what motivates Nora, how Dot’s leadership isn’t just about survival, why Nora sees Rachel and Toni in similar ways, and whether Gretchen has an unhealthy fascination with pancakes (just kidding about that one). We’ll also talk about the multiple cliffhangers we get, why Agent Young is uniquely susceptible to being manipulated and what a fantastic job we think that Helena Howard did. We are saving most of our large scale conspiracy theories for next episode, but we do get into some small scale favourites. As always, this episode is an ode to Nora, but in many ways is a homage to the entire show.

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