Roy Moore. You and the horse you rode in on. Tom Perez, Chair of the DNC, still framing politics in Wall Street language. Says he’s “bullish” about Dems chances of taking back the Senate in the wake of Doug Jones’s win in Alabama. Charles Barkley having none of it. The tax bill is a done deal - or is it? Republicans with presidential hopes put on a good show to get minor adjustments to the bill. I’m betting they come around after they get the spotlight for a couple of days. Chair of the FCC, Ajit Pai, drinks from his stupid big Reese’s mug after killing net neutrality on Thursday. And can we talk about his Daily Caller video? I didn’t realize a 13-year-old is running the FCC. Disney is already positioning itself for a post-net neutrality landscape, buying a big chunk of 21st Century Fox. I think it’s time to start talking about the Internet at a public asset. Maybe we should take a look at what they’re doing in Chattanooga. And Paul Ryan wants women to live up to their potential and start having more kids.

Daylight is coming to Harrisburg Capitol. That’s according to State Representative Leanne Krueger-Braneky. Krueger-Braneky and a bipartisan group of women introduce a package of bills designed to go after a culture of harassment in the Capitol. In an article this week, Jan Murphy of the Patriot-News seems to be forecasting the coming storm of #MeToo allegations in the State Capitol. Pittsburgh DSA does not endorse John Fetterman or any other Democratic Party candidate seeking their support. What a difference a year makes for emerging left politics in the state. PA House passes SB3, the 20-week abortion ban. Wolf promises a veto. Paycheck deception bill fails. We’ll have to wait until the Supreme Court decision to really gut union power.

In today’s last call, we bring back more space news! Sean brought back Voyager last week. This week we’ve got space manufacturing, Elon Musk’s car, and lunar bases! Woo Hoo. Kevin has an awesome lunch at Saucony Creek along with pogo sticks, hoverboards, and misfit toys. And, a new edition of the podcast was hatched. Free Will has got Safeword in cans! Sean saddles up for a busy holiday season at Pizza Boy.