Trump is working hard to ignite an all-out war in the Middle East. It will be a great war, a fantastic war. California wildfires continue to rage with little containment in a dystopia window into our climate future. Irony abounds as climate-change denying Rupert Murdoch’s $30 million home burns to the ground.  Sam Seder, the host of the Majority Report, is fired by MSNBC, after alt-right troll, Mike Cernovich tried to use a tweet Seder wrote in 2009 to discredit him. By Thursday, MSNBC reversed course saying they had messed up to cave to alt-right troll misinformation. Shout out the Majority Report crew for letting us use the sound clip from Jamie Peck for our intro music today. Rep. John Conyers and Senator Al Franken resign following sexual harassment and/or assault allegations. Republican Rep. Trent Franks resigns following revelations that he tried to get staffers to carry his baby as a surrogate. House ethics probe begins to look into Republican Rep. Blake Farenthold after it was revealed that he used $84,000 of taxpayer money to settle a sexual harassment suit brought by his former communications director. Meanwhile, the Republican Party throws its full support behind Roy Moore in Alabama. And, not one peep about the assaulter-in-chief.  Koch brothers tax strategy memo leaked. “Avoid getting distracted” on the deficit, their counsel. And, net neutrality protests took place around the country yesterday. Get ready for “Break the Internet” on December 12.

Pennsylvania state Rep. Daryl Metcalfe went off the rails this week. He used a state committee hearing to come out as a heterosexual. We thought he deserved his very own remix (click here to listen). Oh, yeah, Metcalfe warns that the “illegal aliens” are coming. PA Student Power Network continues to build momentum for their Free College Campaign with a Free College Town Hall yesterday at the Community College of Philadelphia. They are Dark money beginning to do its work in the state.  Koch brothers funded Campus Reform targets Kutztown University faculty member for encouraging students to attend tax bill rally. FreedomWorks and the Commonwealth Foundation caught using union busters to support Paycheck Deception legislation. Pennsylvania House Republicans attempted to strip health care coverage from members of the transgender community this week, but it got derailed. A

In space news, Voyager fires its thrusters successfully for the first time in over 37 years. NASA had to wait for nearly 19 hours to find out - kind of like a taste of a post-net-neutrality world. Kevin deals with his depression from not being able to attend SpaceCom this past week. Free Will released “Stay Tuned,” a nice imperial stout. And This Sunday they are hosting a Beer and Breakfast with Santa event with food from Down to Earth Cafe.

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