Right-wing terrorist kills 11 during worship at Pittsburgh synagogue, the deadliest attack on American Jews in history. Trump spins a lie about the NY Stock Exchange and 9/11 in order to justify holding a political rally the same day has the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting. House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy deletes his anti-semitic dog whistle tweet, which said that three wealthy Jews are trying to buy the election. McCarthy hit all the globalist, wink-wink, themes.

Ahead of next week’s midterm elections, Trump stokes anti-immigrant flames, threatening an executive order to end birthright citizenship. 538 still showing that Democrats will take back the house. However, if we’ve learned anything from the 2016 presidential election, the polls can be horrifically wrong...so, vote, vote vote. High school and college students at more than 500 schools are planning on walking out to vote on Election Day. And let’s not forget the war against the caravan and the GOP's closing racist ads.

The Congressional Budget Office just released a new analysis of the Senate tax bill. Wouldn’t you know it? The bill is even worse for lower-income people than previously thought. All cred to Mitch McConnell and his Republican buds in the Senate. Workers at 60% of Google offices around the world walk off the job yesterday and issued a manifesto of sorts calling for massive changes at the company in terms of sexual discrimination and transparency.

Brazil joins the autocrat club. Jair Bolsonaro was elected as Brazil’s new president on Sunday. There can be little question that we are living in a period of history in which the very concept of democracy is under assault. Kicking things off, Bolsonaro’s party has launched a campaign against “indoctrinator teachers.”

Scott Wagner is DOWN 26 points in the latest Franklin and Marshall Poll. And, the day after the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting, Scott Wagner spreads conspiracy theories about the secret people is funding the traveling caravan. We’ll give you a couple of guesses about who’s at the top of that list.

The Susquehanna Policy Center, a conservative polling firm and think tank, has George Scott and Jess King within 3-4 points of Scott Perry and Lloyd Smucker. They also have Ron DiNicola leading Mike Kelly by 6 points. Joe Biden will be stumping all over Pennsylvania on Sunday. He’ll be campaigning with Matt Cartwright and George Scott.

Looks like “methane migration” from natural gas operations in Green County PA may have been responsible for the house that blew up and nearly killed 3 people.

Will labor activists hold their union leaders accountable if Scott Wallace loses his race for the PA-1 and Republicans maintain control of the House? Comfortable union leaders are going to have to get with the program or be complicit with the demise of what’s left of the labor movement. The latest polls are concerning.

New PASSHE Chancellor, Daniel Greenstein, visits Kutztown.

In today’s Last Call, Sean’s going to see Papa Joe Biden. And Free Will releases Kiwi Kick Punch tomorrow, 11/3/2018. It’s a Triple IPA with Kiwi, Vanilla, and Milk Sugar at 12.6% ABV. 4-pack cans will be available at both locations

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