Midterm election roundup. What’s the word on the Blue Wave? Should Pelosi return as Speaker of the House? Women and minorities make history on election night.


Jeff Sessions fired. Matthew Whitaker installed by Trump as acting Attorney General. Will Trump turn to his old Yes Man, Chris Christie, to take over the AG office permanently?

RBG is back at work after falling down and breaking three ribs.

Alabama and W. Virginia vote to strip constitutional protections for abortions. CNN’s Jim Acosta stripped of his press credentials for a fabricated video karate chop. Trump tells a Black reporter she’s a racist for asking him to denounce white nationalism.

Sean chats with McKay Coppins at Biden Rally. Tom Wolf and Bob Casey win their reelection bids in blowout fashion. Dunking on Wagner comes to an end. Pennsylvania Dems pick up 5 State Senate seats and 10 State House seats. Pat Browne barely survives his race against Mark Pinsley.

Over 150 people showed up to the Pennsylvania Capitol to protect the Mueller investigation. Seth Goldstein reports from Doylestown on last night’s rally there.

In today’s Last Call, China unveils the world’s first AI news anchor. Word has it that it’s a tireless worker with no aspirations to unionize.

Kim Stanley Robinson has a great piece in Commune called “Dystopias Now.” A great read about the role of utopia and dystopia in social progress and political organization.

Utica’s F.X. Matt Saranac/Brewery launches a major expansion. On Sunday, Free Will releases Olly, the sour brown ale aged in Oak Casks that took the Silver Medal at the 2018 World Beer Cup.