On today’s show - it's a special archive edition of Out d'Coup. We did our last new show of 2019 this past Monday, but the joy doesn't stop. We didn't want to leave our devoted listeners high and dry, so we dipped into the archive. Kevin Mahoney introduces the episode reflecting upon the past several years. We hope you like it!

Here's the original description: 

Out d’Coup | Winter is Coming! We’re Back Talking Trumplandia, Normalizing White Supremacy, and new Raging Chicken Contributors

December 14, 2016

It’s December 14, 2016. Raging Chicken Radio is back! Trumplandia is coming folks and we are rebuilding and getting ready for the fights ahead. We have been off the air since mid-September and to say that a lot has happened, is the understatement of the decade.  This is Kevin Mahoney, editor, and founder of Raging Chicken Press - Welcome to Raging Chicken Radio’s Out d’Coup podcast. Sean Kitchen and I are back and ready to take on Trump’s Suicide Squad and the tide of right-wing politics in PA.

If you've been following us online, you know we now have a team of six contributors and our membership base is growing. But we can’t' keep up the fight without your help. Take a minute to BECOME A MEMBER of Raging Chicken for as little as $2/month. Come in at the $5/month level and you're really helping us out. Not ready to become a member. No problem. Just drop us a one-time DONATION in an amount of your choosing. 

Thanks for all your support!