Impeachment moves forward. Mitch McConnell makes it clear that he’s working hand-in-glove with the White House to coordinate impeachment trial.

And while the House Judiciary Committee approved articles of impeachment, Nancy Pelosi used the cover to collude with Trump to bang through the new NAFTA. David Dayen put it best - it was a Godfather-esque move: 

“In the climactic scene of The Godfather, Michael Corleone attends the baptism of his sister Connie’s baby, as his henchmen ritually slaughter all the heads of New York’s Five Families. Corleone tightened his control over organized crime while standing in church, quietly renouncing Satan.”

Greta Thunberg gets Time Magazine’s person of the year. Trump attacks her. She goes hard troll right back. Anti-bullying crusader Melania Trump says Greta had it coming to her. 

Joe Biden is reportedly signaling that he will only run for one term

Jeff Van Drew decides to switch parties over impeachment, and in response, his office resigns en masse.

Despite saying he didn’t want any big bank money, Pete Buttigieg's campaign is rolling in it

Center for American Progress is spreading disinformation about Bernie’s Medicare for All plan. That shows what happens when you are searching for a new donor base. 

Virginia Governor Unveils Plan for Free Community College.

And, WTF just happened in the UK and how are corporate Dems going to use it to try to undermine support for Sanders and Warren.

And as COP 25 features dire warnings once again, the good news is that there is a farming boom is happening in Alaska. Yup. Time to head to the great white north. 

Finland’s new parliament is dominated by women under 35 and their new prime minister, Sanna Marin, became the world’s youngest prime minister at 34. 

Donald Trump and his out of state circus of traveling dead-heads stormed into Central Pennsylvania last week.  And to welcome these degenerates, Bobby Jeffries hosted a Roger Stone themed Christmas fundraiser with the leader of the Proud Boys and Danielle Stella, the Republican who is running against Ilhan Omar and was permanently banned from Twitter for suggesting that Omar should be hanged.  Jefferies is challenging and running to the right of Scott Perry in the PA 10 primary.

The fundraiser was supposed to be held last Monday at the Rotunda Brew Pub in Hershey, but activists were able to infiltrate the guest list and chased the Proud Boys to a dingy VFW and to celebrate, local Dems hung with Eugene DePasquale and Tom Briar at the Rotunda Brewery.  

Thank you, thank you to Branko Marcetic and his recent article in In These Times, “Trump’s Space Force is No Joke.” Yes, like I have been arguing, the left should be paying attention and not just mocking what’s happening in space policy. 

Free Will releases: Relax & Chill - Hazy Pale Ale  &  More Structure - Hazy IPA. 

This Sunday, Free Will is hosting Breakfast with Santa! We will also be hosting our annual Tenderheartz Inc. blanket collection this day. Bring in a new blanket and get a complimentary pint!