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Formal impeachment hearings began in the House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday with a panel of four Constitutional lawyers discussing grounds for impeachment. It was quite a civics lesson. 

Yesterday, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi holds a formal press conference to call on House Committees to draft articles of impeachment. Pelosi was quite serious during her announcement but got pissed when a journalist asked her if she hated Trump. That was apparently one step too far. She’s a Catholic, for Christ’s sake, she don’t hate nobody. 

The UN Climate Change Summit - aka COP 25 - being held in Madrid got underway this week. A new report released by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) ahead of the Summit shows that the world has failed to meet goals set in the Paris Agreement. Instead, there was a 1.5% increase in emissions. The report is frank, “The summary findings are bleak. Countries collectively failed to stop the growth in global [greenhouse gas] emissions, meaning that deeper and faster cuts are now required." We are not on track to 4 degrees Celsius of warming by 2100. The Paris Agreement called for no more than 2 degrees, while last year’s UN climate report stated that anything beyond 1.5 degrees will produce catastrophic results. Emissions must now be cut by 7.6% per year beginning in 2020 to stave off the worst impacts. 

The latest polling in California shows both Warren and Biden losing some support, while Bernie and Buttigieg gain. Bernie is now edging out Warren by two percentage points (24% to 22%) - a statistical tie. Buttigieg picks up 6  percentage points, while Biden loses 6 points. It looks like the biggest loser in Buttigieg’s surge is Biden. Biden barely edges out Mayor Pete for third place - 14% - 12%. Keep in mind this poll was taken before Kamala Harris’s big announcement that she was dropping out of the race. 

The latest polls have some good news for Bernie, concerns for Warren, and the sounds of desperation from Biden’s camp. Mayor Pete’s little engine that could is still chugging along. 

Latest Iowa polls have Buttigieg 26% out front with Sanders at 18%, Warren at 17%, and Biden at 12%; 

New Hampshire has Bernie in first 26% with Buttigieg next at 22% with Warren and Biden tied at 14% 

Nevada has Biden ahead with 24% with Bernie and Warren closing at 18%. Buttigieg remains behind at 8%.

And in Biden’s one strong state, South Carolina, the latest poll has Biden at 33% - 20 points ahead of Warren at 13%, Sanders at 11%, and Buttigieg at 6%. 

New directions for Raging Chicken and Out d'Coup in 2020. Podcast changing format a bit. Interviews. Guests. Members Only content on Patreon. 

Sunday is the Annual Freeze Up 5K hosted by Perkiomen Watershed Conservancy and Free Will Brewing Company

2nd annual Freeze-Up 5K at Free Will Brewing and help us enjoy the last few days of fall.  This 5K winds through trails in Perkasie and along the East Branch of the Perkiomen Creek. Runners and walkers get a long-sleeve tee with their registration and can look forward to a free craft beer at the end of the race!

Monday, Free Will will have its annual Taproom Tree Lighting at the Brewery in Perkasie. The event begins at 7 pm.  

Tré Locally Sourced food truck will be parked out front. The event will feature Free Will’s annual sour toast by popping open a huge bottle of something out of the cellar. They will also curate a special draft list with some holiday favorites. Everyone is welcome to hang around for the Eagles Monday night game after the festivities.