Devastating testimony at this week’s impeachment hearings. Former Ambassador Marie Yovanovich and former Trump National Security Council Advisor, Fiona Hill,  were the right choices to bookend a week of devastating impeachment hearings. Women warriors for sure. 

Buttigieg jumps into the lead in recent polls in Iowa and New Hampshire. Bernie and Biden tied in national polls. Elizabeth Warren stumbling on Medicare for All. Biden tells immigrant activist to go vote for Trump. 

John Yudichak, the former Democratic state Senator from Luzerne County, takes a profile in courage and declares himself an independent that will caucus with Republicans. 

Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf has reached a deal on the minimum wage.  Workers can look forward to a whopping $9.50 an hour wage by 2022, and food service workers will be stuck at $2.83.  The Governor worked with Republicans and The Chamber to reach such a deal while leaving Democrats and union leaders out of the talks.

In order to get this deal, Governor Wolf also agreed to ease off of implementing overtime rules that would have helped tens of thousands of more low-income workers. 

And if that’s not maddening enough, Governor Wolf nominated Drew Crompton, Senator Joe Scarnati’s Chief of Staff, to the Commonwealth Court.  Crompton has come under scrutiny for never presiding or prosecuting a case in the courtroom, most likely never wrote an official legal opinion and was recently caught using Senator Scarnati’s campaign credit card to celebrate his 50th birthday in Las Vegas.

Tesla reveals its long-awaited pickup truck. Possible designs have been floating around the web for months. No one, however, was prepared for what drove out on the stage last night. Let’s say it’s a cross between a stealth fighter and an F150. Welcome to your cyberpunk future. Before we go all Bladerunner or Mad Max, they’ll have to fix the bulletproof windows. 

Free Will Brewing releases, This Saturday, November 23rd is the debut of The Most Fun.⁣

19 varieties of Ralphius and Ella are coming back to Free Will in a big way on Black Friday

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