Dr. Charles and Elaine Sanger who are author advisors, authors, and publishers. They serve entrepreneurs, professionals, leaders and people with a story they want to share with the world. Through their Your Message programs, they guide people from being Aspiring Authors to Accomplished Authors.   They have started up - together as husband and wife partners - 3 companies (2 for-profit and 1 not-for-profit).   Charles Sanger has a doctorate in Intercultural Studies from Grace Theological Seminary and wrote the #1 Bestseller "Gilligan Mets Google" which deals with the transition from an industrial to a digital society. Elaine was a fashion and costume designer in NYC early in her career.   They left corporate life and lived on our 38-foot sailboat, Ancient Path, traveling from Chicago to South America for over 7 years.   Charles and Elaine help authors clarify their core mission, and get clarity on their purpose. Having a that clarity allows them to face any obstacle life may throw at them!   The Sangers also talk about what has strengthened their marriage as they have traveled, done service work, and started three businesses together. The key: trust!   Connect with Charles and Elaine:  https://www.yourmessagecentral.com/ http://bit.ly/YourMessageEvents https://www.charlessanger.com/ http://www.elainesanger.com/ Author Entrepreneur Community on Facebookhttps://bit.ly/sangergroup    For more powerful tools and tips, make sure to join the FREE Membership: The Family Success Toolbox at https://www.ourmodernheritage.com/free-member-optin 

Dr. Charles and Elaine Sanger who are author advisors, authors, and publishers. They serve entrepreneurs, professionals, leaders and people with a story they want to share with the world. Through their Your Message programs, they guide people from being Aspiring Authors to Accomplished Authors.   They have started up - together as husband and wife partners - 3 companies (2 for-profit and 1 not-for-profit).   Charles Sanger has a doctorate in Intercultural Studies from Grace Theological Seminary and wrote the #1 Bestseller "Gilligan Mets Google" which deals with the transition from an industrial to a digital society. Elaine was a fashion and costume designer in NYC early in her career.   They left corporate life and lived on our 38-foot sailboat, Ancient Path, traveling from Chicago to South America for over 7 years.   Charles and Elaine help authors clarify their core mission, and get clarity on their purpose. Having a that clarity allows them to face any obstacle life may throw at them!   The Sangers also talk about what has strengthened their marriage as they have traveled, done service work, and started three businesses together. The key: trust!   Connect with Charles and Elaine:  https://www.yourmessagecentral.com/ http://bit.ly/YourMessageEvents https://www.charlessanger.com/ http://www.elainesanger.com/ Author Entrepreneur Community on Facebookhttps://bit.ly/sangergroup    For more powerful tools and tips, make sure to join the FREE Membership: The Family Success Toolbox at https://www.ourmodernheritage.com/free-member-optin