Today's message is deeply important. While there are some potentially triggering details in the examples shared today, don't skip over this message.

Joshua Shea is a recovering pornography addict and the author of Porn and the Pandemic: How Three Months in 2020 Changed Everything, released July 2020. He has also authored The Addiction Nobody Will Talk About: How I Let My Pornography Addiction Hurt People and Destroy Relationships (2018) and co-author of He’s a Porn Addict…What Now? An Expert and Former Addict Answer Your Questions (2019).

Since 2018, Joshua has given more interviews about pornography addiction than anybody in the world. To date, he has appeared on over 140 podcasts, television and radio shows using his wealth of research and personal story to promote the ideas that porn addiction spans all demographics and those with a problem should seek help before it’s too late.

In 2017, Joshua launched He has also contributed articles about recovery to and Recovery Today magazine and has developed and presents a porn addiction education lecture for churches, libraries and other groups. He will be giving his first TEDx Talk in Hartford, Conn., in December 2020. Now more than six years into recovery, Joshua still lives in Central Maine with his wife and two children.

In this episode, Joshua and I discuss what dysfunctional beliefs and behaviors actually stem from pornography addiction. The culture that pornography exudes cuts deeply into our society and is impacting and deteriorating families in ways that you might not have expected if you don't have experience with it.

Moral of the story: Pornography addiction is insidious and dangerous, but don't just shield your families from it. Education them about it. Create open communication around it. Awkwardness or shielding will only lead to shame which creates hiding the curiosity people naturally feel toward sexuality.

Learn more about Joshua and his message by going to