Tara Bushaw helps parents and caregivers start and run their business from home or hospital room so they can be present where they are needed most. Tara is a mom of 8 kids, two with type 1 diabetes, one with severe hearing loss, and another with Down syndrome, and knows that life presents itself in unexpected ways. Society's focus is on perfect, but that is rarely ever the case for most people. The flexibility and freedom Tara had in entrepreneurship/freelancing was the difference between her son dying or staying alive. Had she not been able to work in his hospital room, she wouldn't have been at the hospital and caught several errors that could have killed him!

Tara is a Freelance Coach and Business Strategist who helps parents and caregivers turn their existing skills into a business of their own so they can have the freedom and flexibility they need in life. She is a wife, a mama of 8 kids, and a grandmama who homeschools the five remaining kids at home.

Tara is no stranger to life sneaking up on you when you least expect it, and wants others to know a j-o-b is not the only way to support your family when life happens.

In this episode, Tara and I discuss how one belief people have is that they need to go to college to have a great career, that a j-o-b is the ONLY way, and that their kids must be in daycare to fulfill that. She strongly disagrees.

Tara suggests we take the skills they perform in their job (obviously aside from a certified or licensed career) and use those skills to become your own boss so you have the freedom and flexibility to be earn an income while being with their children. This is not for everyone, but for those who WANT it, Tara wants them to know it can be a reality.

Think of how freelance work keeps parents in the home, kids out of daycare, and allows families to homeschool in a more flexible way.

Connect with Tara and download her free ebook: tarabushaw.com laptoplifeaccelerator.com/ebook

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