For two years, Steve Larsen was the Lead Funnel Builder at ClickFunnels for Russell Brunson, and put over 500 sales funnels under his belt (but honestly, lost track a while ago).

Eventually he left ClickFunnels as an employee to get his own Two Comma Club Award and his business crossed $1 million 13 months later. His podcast, Sales Funnel Radio, was created to share best practices, teach the finer points of marketing, offer creation, and “funnelology”.

Steve’s approach to offers are so attractive that fans body-check their own Grandmas just to buy! Long walks on the beach aren’t his thing but he loves slappin’ five.

Steve is the founder of Pursuit of Profit, playing off the concept of "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." His mission is to empower his customers to pursue profit as a means of prosperity and purpose. Steve feels his mission is to help people economically so they can help themselves spiritually.

Check out Steve's new show "Launch for Profit."

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