"It’s hard to say which would be more discouraging: drifting from job to job because you’re always the first to be laid off, or laboring in monotonous obscurity at the same job. The first results from not doing what you are told to do, the second from doing only what you are told to do. You can “get by” for a time following either approach, but you will never get ahead. Personal initiative is more important in today’s enlightened, high-tech workplace than it was during the Industrial Age, when the ability to follow orders was a critical skill. As technology makes many supervisory functions obsolete, every one of us is expected to do more with less, determine what needs to be done, and do it. Don’t wait to be told. Know your company and your job so well that you can anticipate what needs to be done — then do it! Stop explaining and start doing!" --Napoleon Hill

I know that quote is about our corporate journeys, but it is about so much more than that. We need to know our families so well that we can anticipate what needs to be done. We need to be conscientious of our offense as much as our defense. I mean, we need to work on our own "can do" plans that protect our families and intentionally shape us. We need to plant good seeds, but also weed our gardens. This episode is basically a summary of what I have been learning from my experience with this podcast. It is also a heads up that I will be concluding the season and will resume episodes again in the fall, with gusto! Remember: "Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts" (Winston Churchill).

Here are a few resources I mention in this episode:

“There appears to be ‘no other way’ to learn certain things except through the relevant, clinical experiences. Happily, the commandment ‘Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart’ (Matthew 11:29) carries an accompanying and compensating promise from Jesus—'and ye shall find rest unto your souls.’ This is a very special form of rest. It surely includes the rest resulting from the shedding of certain needless burdens: fatiguing insincerity, exhausting hypocrisy, and the strength-sapping quest for recognition, praise, and power. Those of us who fall short, in one way or another, often do so because we carry such unnecessary and heavy baggage. Being thus overloaded, we sometimes stumble and then feel sorry for ourselves…However, if sufficient meekness is in us, it will not only help us to jettison unneeded burdens, but will also keep us from becoming mired in the ooze of self-pity. Furthermore, true meekness has a metabolism that actually requires very little praise or recognition” (Neal A. Maxell)

Episodes referenced: Waters + Bennet Bolaji Oyejide Kathy Mellor Wonder Crate - Developing Social/Emotional Skills

Books referenced: How to Raise an Adult: Break Free of the Overparenting Trap and Prepare Your Kid for Success Outwitting the Devil: The Secret to Freedom and Success The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success: A Pocketbook Guide to Fulfilling Your Dreams

For a full list go here: BOOKS  

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