The Equal Rights Amendment: "Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of sex."

This week, Shannon Fisher will share the history of the Equal Rights Amendment and the story of its continued and lengthy path to ratification. Most Americans believe the ERA is already in effect and are shocked to learn that there is still resistance to its ratification in 2014.

Senator Ben Cardin recently held a two-hour briefing about the ERA, featuring many longtime women's rights leaders (YouTube). Clips from these speeches will be shared as well as extensive historical information about the ERA.

The Authentic Woman with Shannon Fisher explores personal, political, and societal perspectives of the female experience in America. The show delves deeply into the worlds of women writers, artists, celebrities, and community leaders and offers listeners food for thought on ways to better themselves and the world around them. Follow Shannon on Twitter: @MsShannonFisher.

Copyrighted podcast solely owned by the Authors on the Air Global Radio Network, LLC.

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