Hi friends,

Sorry about last week, we had an awful cold and we couldn't talk.

Have you hear about these Olympics they have going on in Tokyo? Madd and I discuss the problematic things we confront while embracing the spectacle. It's a weird thing.
John Mayer has a new album called Sob Rock, let's talk about it!
Also, is Tik Tok like descending into madness? Come along and find out! At least there's sick beats and cool duets!

Thanks for stopping by!

Hey, want to support the show? We got SWAG like a bunch of sellouts! https://www.redbubble.com/i/t-shirt/Our-Kid-s-Asleep-Podcast-by-ChillMachine/71043173.6IBXU?utm

More designs coming soon! If you want to help the show, we'd appreciate a review and don't forget to share with your friends!!

Air your grievances at [email protected]

Much love,


The show lives here: https://cruzfolio.com/our-kids-asleep-podcast/