Hello friends,

We have traveled many a weary mile to Devil's Tower. We have wonderful experiences and memories, and we were on the lookout for aliens too.
Have you seen Workin' Moms on Netflix? (click for the trailer) We review the heck out of this series today!
Have you ever wondered what it takes to rescue a toad? We have a great plan of attack for you.

Thanks for stopping by!

Hey, want to support the show? We got SWAG like a bunch of sellouts! https://www.redbubble.com/i/t-shirt/Our-Kid-s-Asleep-Podcast-by-ChillMachine/71043173.6IBXU?utm

More designs coming soon! If you want to help other ways, review and share this recorded program! ...And yes, our eight year old son created our theme music on Bandlab and we love it.

Air your grievances at [email protected]

Much love,


The show lives here: https://cruzfolio.com/our-kids-asleep-podcast/