Listeners, we’ve got great news! We just got picked up for Season 8! We couldn’t wait to tell you and we are thrilled. Rosara, Jane, Sabitha, and Jayleen will all be back in the fall with more great information and intriguing guests to satisfy your curiosity. Keep on having a great summer and, as the old song goes, we’ll see you in September!

Please welcome our new producer, Hayden Feldscher, an artist, producer, and student of sound. Sad to see Isaac Price-Slade go, but we are excited about this new change and look forward to working together!

And if you want to catch up on any of those episodes from last season that you missed, just visit our website and please subscribe! We love our listeners and welcome your feedback. You can find us on Facebook and Instagram. Or you can write to us at this address.


We can’t wait to hear your thoughts. As always, thanks for listening!