Dr. Imani Woody is the founding director and CEO of Mary’s House for Older Adults, Inc. She has a Ph.D. in Human Services, specializing in non-profit management.  Dr. Imani has been an advocate of women, people of color and LGBT/Same Gender Loving issues for more than 20 years. Dr. Woody is a member of the National LGBT Elder Housing Initiative, and presented on LGBT housing issues at the White House. She is currently the Executive Director of Mary’s House for Older Adults, an LGBTQ-SGL friendly organization creating welcoming environments throughout the US including its first residence providing safe and affordable communal housing for adults over 60 in Washington, DC. You can reach Dr. Woody here.

During the episode, Dr. Jane Fleishman mentions a recent article that she co-authored with Dr. Imani Woody, Mandy Carter, and Miss Major Griffin-Gracy in the Journal of Black Sexuality and Relationships. Here is the citation for that piece: 

Carter, M., Fleishman, J. M., Griffin-Gracy, M. M., Woody Macko, I. (2021). Black LGBTQ/SGL elders: A black transwoman, an African-American same-gender loving woman, and a black lesbian talking about sex with a cisgender white lesbian sex researcher. Journal of Black Sexuality and Research, 7(1), 1-20. https://muse.jhu.edu/article/781704

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