The daily routine of a caregiver includes focus on many of the same things that an OT is looking at when they work with a patient .  The difference is in how those things are analyzed and how they are interpreted.  Attending to the person with a holistic approach that carefully considers main areas

body function ( think of all the ways the body interacts with the environment) and body structures ( think of all the things that keep a body alive), values, beliefs and spirituality.habits, daily routine, role in the home or social structure,  behavior patternsphysical and social envrionments, culutre, activity demandsHow they perform - the motor, sensory, emotional, cognitive, communication and social

When you are able to analyze the details of how your loved one is engaging in their environment and their daily life; you will see the deficits and strengths.  Understanding these are very important in the effort to improve any areas of decline or stagnancy. 
The wellness and quality of life that you and your loved one deserve and desire begins with identifying what is between them and their "better" version of living. 

Learning how to maximize your therapeutic use of your own personality and unique gifts will make a world of difference for you and the one you care for.   Making daily changes in your approaches to caregiving will help you live a less stressful experience and it will directly impact your loved one by promoting greater wellness, independence and quality of life. 

An OT aims to promote independence with wellness and quality of life at the highest level of importance.  As a caregiver, you are probably aiming to do the same.  You have the potential to become a therapeutic caregiver by learning some very basic strategies and skills. 
I invite you to check out a free 3 part video training series  to help you start thinking about things a little differently:

Do you already know you want to jump on a fast track to becoming a therapeutic caregiver? You can enroll in a 6 week personal training series with me.  Click here for more information

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Free training now : watch a short free video I created on coaching vs caregiving