Join me, Lindsay McCoy as I hit “record” and jam out on all things professional birth support. There is a revolution in birth support. While holding the space and offering sips of water and a cool cloth is really important, there’s also so much more a doula can be doing! 

In this episode, I talk about the role of a doula and their impact on the client’s birth experience, and what it really looks like to support birth physiology as a doula. I believe we can do more than just randomly using comfort measures. If a doula knows the biomechanics of labor and birth; the science of what to do when in labor and the “whys” of it, they can really make a difference in the client’s birth experience!

What do clients really need in a doula? Our job is to help the clients protect their space, help them find their voice and achieve the birth they want; and that not only means hands on labor support but also working with the client prenatally to prepare their body for labor so that they can have a smoother, uneventful birth. 

I also talk about the essential skills in professional birth support. With over a decade of being a doula and helping pregnant families achieve the birth they desire, I have seen it all! In this episode I wanted to share why this role is not “less than” but complimentary to the provider role and should be treated as such. 

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