On this episode of Pros Talk Pregnancy my husband Matt McCoy joins me to share all about our 4th (surprise!) birth. Our final birth story unravels as a completely unplanned pregnancy. After our 3rd baby was born with a critical congenital heart defect that required a lot of medical care including open heart surgery at 2 months old, we were surprised to find out we were expecting again.

We had to work through the trauma of that 3rd birth experience going into our next experience. We talk through the depression that Matt was struggling with at the time and strategies we used to be able to come together and support one another during a stressful and challenging season of life. Matt sheds some light on how to support your partner when you are not your best self either. We discuss how partners have stuff going on in their lives too and a good birth team will not only support the birthing person but support the partners too.

Although this was an unplanned pregnancy, this time we had such a strong community supporting us. I truly had a hard time picking a doula and a midwife! Tune in to listen to why we went with a different midwife this time and what was the deciding factor when choosing one.

You will also hear some never before shared tidbits about the beginning of Body Ready Method®, including my best attempt at creating videos during that pregnancy. We also hear about my experience breastfeeding through a pregnancy, going post dates (again), afterpains (yes seasoned doulas struggle with them too!), and more!

Matt also shares a golden nugget of advice for partners working 9-5 jobs and talks about the importance of showing up as much as possible in the postpartum period. We discuss how we were able to divide our responsibilities during this unplanned pregnancy according to what worked best for our family. You really get a good look behind the curtain in this one!

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Show Notes: Death of a Song Bird by M.R. McCoy