Have you ever heard of the flow state? Have you ever felt “in the zone?” That zone where you seem to have effortless momentum, where time seems to melt away and you are just flowing? Maybe you were running a race, writing, or doing artwork. 

Maybe you’ve also felt what it feels like to be out of “the zone”. Where everything just feels more challenging and you just can’t seem to find your flow. This is a researched state of being known as the flow state. Research has identified how to get into the flow and stay in the flow. It has also identified what keeps us out of the flow. 

 Did you know that we can use the flow state and the research behind it to have a better birth? When we are able to get in and stay in our labor flow state during birth, not only do we have more access to our intuition to know what to do, we also have access to more natural pain relief. In this episode we dive into three main things that can help or hinder the birthing person’s labor flow state. 

As a birth pro, there are things you can do during a birth to help your client stay in their labor flow state. Ask yourself, ‘what are some things that could be a great distraction to my client’s labor flow state?’ ‘How can I minimize these distractions?’ ‘How can I help them get back into the flow?’

 My birthing friends, take some time during your pregnancy and think about some of the things that would make you feel really good in your birthing space. Make a list of these things and share it with your birth team. I’ve seen it all from adding twinkle lights around the birth room  to covering the clocks and monitors in the room with blankets. Nothing is too out of the box, we need to do what makes sense to us.

Getting into the labor flow state is something that we can prepare for and should prepare for. Listen to this episode to learn how to prepare in pregnancy and what to do in birth to find and stay in the flow! 

 Facebook: OSM Community Group
Instagram: @onestrongmamaprenatal
Website: www.bodyreadymethod.com