While delivery was already an important growth segment of the restaurant industry, the pandemic accelerated the trend. As with any major market shift, the rapid growth of third-party delivery companies opened many new opportunities and also introduced some unwanted friction and pain points. 

It was clear from talking with restaurant operators nationwide that a set of national guidelines was needed to provide structure, consistency and protection for restaurants. In response, the National Restaurant Association recently released Public Policy Principles for Third-Party Delivery, a set of seven principles centered around providing transparency and clarifying permission in the relationship between restaurant operators and third-party delivery companies .

On our first Quick Bite episode, Mike Whatley, the Association’s VP of State Affairs covers each of the seven principles, explains how they were developed, and how the major third-party delivery players were an important part of the conversation.    

(02:17) - Public policy principles(11:39) - Guiding legislation(13:33) - Restaurants Act

This podcast is not intended to provide medical or legal advice. Adherence to any suggestions regarding the COVID-19 viral disease cannot ensure prevention of infection. Given the rapidly evolving nature of the pandemic, guidance may change as per our understanding of the unique challenges that COVID-19 poses within each country, state, and locality.

Neither the National Restaurant Association nor its affiliates warrant or guarantee the accuracy or suitability of any information offered, and the podcast listener is encouraged to do their own research, and where appropriate, obtain the advice or guidance of legal counsel or the input of other experts with respect to their practices and/or applicable laws.

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Podcast episode production by Dante32.