A meaningful life lesson came to remind me when I visited Queen Nefertari at the Portland Art Museum. 

While we were getting ready to go inside, I noticed a woman across from me who had a strange little black cube of foam attached to the back of her jacket. It didn't look like it belonged there. I wasn't certain, but a nudge inside me said that it's not supposed to be there. She doesn't know it's there, and I bet she would appreciate someone saying, "Hey, you have something on your jacket." So I walked over, and I tapped on the shoulder, and sure enough, that piece of thing used to take hair off had no place getting stuck to her coat. 

It led me to think: 

What would have happened if I didn't call her out?

How long would have she been embarrassed having

that thing on her back?

Would somebody have cared or taken the courage to tap her on the shoulder? 

What if I was wrong, got embarrassed myself to discover that was supposed to be a new accoutrement for her jacket? 


I could have let it go or just waited for others to call her out.

Right? Those are all possible moments that could have existed. 

When we don't follow that nudge, it's not just us that could possibly suffer.

Secondly, we can't always expect someone else to step up, speak out or say that truth. 

We're forgetting that there's a reason it's coming through us. It's coming through us on purpose: you and I. 

That moment is just such a little glimpse into why we should trust our knowing and decide to take action fast.

WATCH: How much do you TRUST your knowing?

Key points covered in this episode: 

✔️ The reality of it is that we are all connected. We are all here to be here together. Everyone around you, people you associate with, and those you're in relationships with right now are interconnected with you and counting on you. The universe is counting on you to show up and do your part. 


✔️  Until when will we be hiding behind the belief that someone else will take the courage to do the things we must do? It's time to trust you and TRUST your knowing.

✔️ We commit our lives to create impact in what we suppose to be grandiose ways that may require collecting plaques and awards on the wall. Yet we forget that our lives right now and in every moment we're in them gives us a fresh opportunity to have a true impact daily.

✔️  Sometimes, pointing out something that's not exactly pleasant or comfortable for someone else, requiring you to speak into an environment is a necessity to fulfill that purpose. 

✔️ You are not here to convince other people but to speak the truth. Know that it's coming through you so that it exists outside of you and give you insight that others may not know they need to change their lives.

✔️ If you want to make a bigger impact in the world, trusting your inner guide is a good place to start. Begin stepping forward into your own expression and give yourself the permission to respond to that nudge and trust your knowing.

✔️ The road to wealth, prosperity and flow awaits you -- because it's the most authentic you can be. You need to lean into the voice you hear inside you. That inspired thought, idea, desire, or nudge that you're receiving, acknowledge it. That's how it begins. The right thing for you in this moment is for you to see and make the impact you're meant to make. 



The Oracle on Purpose podcast is for the intuitive entrepreneurs or inspired leaders who want a powerhouse business that makes money while making a difference in the world. It's time to find your unique life purpose and get back on track with your business strategy to become fulfilled in your work. 

About Lia Dunlap:

Dubbed the Oracle on Purpose, Lia Dunlap's Intuitive Guidance and 25 years of successful operational business experience will help you find your Unique Life Purpose. Get back on track with your business strategy to become fulfilled again in the work you do. It's time to remember... You are here on purpose. You've got a mission to fulfill, and we are here to make sure, no matter what, you achieve it.


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