Doubts, Desires, and the POWER of Decision: How the Secret & What the Bleep Got it Wrong

“Stop hiding behind your excuses and show up 100%.” -Lia Dunlap (04:15-04:18)

Self-doubt is a persuasive voice that holds us back when we're trying to seize our opportunities. How can you overcome it so that you can move forward once again? In this week's episode, we're going to discuss doubts, desires, and the power of decision making.

Part One of ‘Doubts, Desires, and the POWER of Decision: How the Secret & What the Bleep Got it Wrong’

A lot of people are dying right now around the world. Some are leaving this planet with work left undone. Today, take the time to listen to that small voice inside your heart. Don't let anything distract you from understanding what that pure voice has to say. Let go of your excuses and remove your mask. It's time for you to make decisions based on your purpose.

“You can't carry the heavy burdens of your past into your next level.” - Lia Dunlap (08:48-09:05)

The old wounds, the things that we think make us wrong are not going to help us move to the next level. Ascending to the next level will always require you to set your heavy burdens aside. Say YES to your inner calling and focus on the unique journey ahead of you. Be bold and unapologetic enough to move forward.

Part Two of ‘Doubts, Desires, and the POWER of Decision: How the Secret & What the Bleep Got it Wrong’

What if you were even better than you could have ever imagined? And what if someone is desperately waiting for you to show up? If you've missed many opportunities, the moral lesson isn't to blame yourself or beat yourself up, but to recognize that the next time it happens again, you must decide to do something different. Do something that is aligned with who you are.

“Knowing your purpose is the key to the freedom you seek.” - Lia Dunlap (13:10-13:15)

Sometimes, it's much easier for people to say that they're messed up, at least from a surface level. I have gone through places where I let those doubts take over. It's because I hadn't positioned myself to make the decision based on my purpose. So, the next time you find yourself in a place where you're choosing without that real authentic center, ask yourself who's going to miss out? What is the world losing when you don't show up? It's never too late for you to make 2020 your best year ever.

Next Steps: Download your FREE Purpose and Prosperity Road Map.

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