It's Time to Kick Doubt in the Face!

How do we move through the process of shifting from negative thoughts to affirmations? From positive thoughts that help us move forward versus those negative deep-seated misconceptions and beliefs that can tangle us around the ankles and pull us off our feet? In this week’s episode, let’s kick self-doubt in the face so you can live your dreams.

Part One of ‘It's Time to Kick Doubt in the Face!’

How many times have you allowed self-doubt to take authority in your life? For some of you, it stayed at the driver’s seat for such a long time that you lost your way and completely forgot what you’re capable of.

Notice that whenever you try to take a bigger, better, broader, and bolder leap, your limiting beliefs threaten to pull you back. You can’t change the past, but you can always change the present and make it worth remembering. Let your dreams be more significant than your frustrations and fears.

“Every breathing human has something significant to offer.” - Lia Dunlap (09:29-09:35)

Part Two of ‘It's Time to Kick Doubt in the Face!’

Your unique life purpose is always bubbling to the surface. It’s always looking for ways to come into play in your life. You can be the master creator of your reality. And if there’s something about you that you don’t like, you’re a part of helping change that.

“Something inside of you already knows how phenomenal you are.” - Lia Dunlap (10:57-11:02)

If you want abundance to manifest into your life, you must remind yourself through positive affirmations. Self-doubt can serve as a mirror for you to see the aspects of your life that require development. Don’t worry; we’re all a work in progress. It’s okay to go through life at your own pace.

Next Steps: Download your FREE Purpose and Prosperity Road Map 

Discover the five essential steps to go from frustrated, annoyed, or not living your purpose to a successful purpose-driven leader.