The Purpose & Prosperity of Making a Difference to the People You Serve with Ken Bator

“We all have a story to tell.” -Ken Bator (12:15-12:17)

As an intuitive business architect, I spend a lot of time helping people stay aligned with their life purpose and deliver what they're meant to deliver to the world. In this week's episode, I have invited Kenneth Bator as my guest. He loves creating environments where employees want to come to work and customers want to keep coming back. He’s a perfect fit for this week’s topic — the purpose & prosperity of making a difference to the people that we serve. 

Part One of ‘The Purpose & Prosperity of Making a Difference to the People You Serve with Ken Bator’

Ken is the founder of Bator Training & Consulting, Inc. (BTC), as well as the Police Officers’ Credit Union Association (POCUA), and has more than 20 years of experience in helping organizations reach new levels of effectiveness by aligning their brand, culture, and strategy. 

He is the author of The Formula for Business Success = B + C + S and The Pocket Guide to Strategic Planning: The 90-Day Quick Fix for the Business Owner or Manager. Ken has hosted and produced four separate shows including Branding the Experience, Cool Culture Corner, the CU Business News Podcast, and Beyond the Call. 

His articles have appeared in many trade publications including The Credit Union Journal, Lifestyle Entrepreneur, CU Business Magazine, ABA Bank Marketing, and as one of the first category directors of the recently launched Podcast Magazine. Ken is a well sought-after speaker and has presented during several conferences, both in-person and virtually, worldwide including an appearance as an “Icon of Influence” during the New Media Summit. 

Born and raised in Chicago, he earned a BS in Finance and an MBA in Entrepreneurship from DePaul University as well as a Certification in Integrated Marketing from the University of Chicago. Ken currently resides in Southern California with his wife, Pegi. BTC is headquartered in Orange, CA.

“We all have something to offer.” – Lia Dunlap (14:13-14:14)

There is a purpose and prosperity of making a difference to the people we serve. But, how do we get into that cornerstone of alignment? 

One way to do so is to think about the famous brands that you know and reflect on the unique story behind their brand. From a business standpoint, it's important to remember that you need to put an image out there that's not only going to attract business but also going to be supported by the culture.

For example, if you're running a restaurant business targeted for families, you can't put an image out there that you're this "great family restaurant" and then tolerate a culture where everybody's swearing. That's obviously not a family image that you should be promoting. So, if you tell the story right, people get to have that unique piece of who you are. 

Part Two of ‘The Purpose & Prosperity of Making a Difference to the People You Serve with Ken Bator’

Considering there’s a pandemic, there’s been a spotlight on what’s working and what’s not working for many businesses. Ken mentions that his clients aren’t always aware of what's wrong with their business. But somehow, they have an intuition that there's something that's blocking them from going to the next level. 

Take a moment to reflect on how you can impact the world through your vision. Remember, we all have something amazing to offer. Being in alignment with your life purpose enables you to reach new levels of effectiveness in business no matter what the new normal is. 


“We have to take care of ourselves so we can take care of others.” - Lia Dunlap (17:17-17:19)


Many working professionals and entrepreneurs have transitioned to a virtual space since the COVID-19 lockdown started, so a lot of the new normal has something to do with technology. 

Let’s say your gym is closed and there’s no way as a fitness trainer for you to interact physically with your customers. But alternatively, you can utilize tools like Zoom to connect with them and still provide a great experience for them. 

We all want to be remembered for the great work that we do. Let’s keep focusing on the positive side and take advantage of the opportunity that we’re given to contemplate how we can do business differently and better than it was before. Don’t stop making a difference because the marketplace needs you more than ever. 

How to Connect More with Ken Bator





How To Work With Lia

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