Leadership Lesson: The POWER of Listening Deeply with James Robilotta

“There's such power in listening deeply to another human being.” -Lia Dunlap (10:57-11:03)

Every person has the freedom to choose the life they want to live in. In this week's episode, we're going to take a moment to reflect on if we're currently in alignment with our goals. And how to be heard, seen, and recognized in a valuable way. Let's talk about the power of listening deeply with my special guest, James Robilotta.

Part One of ‘Leadership Lesson: The POWER of Listening Deeply with James Robilotta’


James Robilotta is an author, professional speaker, personal coach, and entrepreneur trained in stand-up and improv comedy. He's been speaking professionally to willing and unwilling audiences for years and has found that quality humor — not your slapstick, dad-joke humor — is the secret to hosting powerful conversations and making a real impact. His audiences leave feeling happier and ready to take on their responsibilities and the world.

He loves working with colleges, corporations, associations, and individuals with a focus on authentic leadership. With a bajillion takes on leadership out there, he continues to stand out by focusing on something other authors and speakers won’t touch: imperfection.

In 2015, James published his first book, Leading Imperfectly: The value of being authentic for leaders, professionals, and human beings. The concepts of authentic leadership and leading imperfectly are the driving forces behind conversations about giving/receiving feedback, rapport building, engagement, increased productivity, retention, promoting memorability, life balance, and more. 

Part Two of ‘Leadership Lesson: The POWER of Listening Deeply with James Robilotta’

As a listener, pause for a minute and ask yourself, “am I following my passion, or am I doing what I THINK I’m supposed to do?” 

When you take the time to pause and reflect, you realize that “yes, I'm doing the right thing. Let me double down. Or, you know what? Maybe I'm not quite in alignment right now. I need to pivot.”

Everybody has different levels of self-esteem. There may be areas where you feel confident, but there are also areas where you feel low. You think you're not smart enough, wealthy enough, funny enough, or successful enough. Each of these limiting beliefs are a different weight that you carry, but you owe it to yourself to live a life that you love because you are more than enough. 

“You Deserve To Be seen. Be held. Be heard.” – Lia Dunlap (11:08-11:11)

The truth is as confident as I perceive James to be, he admitted to having low self-esteem when it comes to taking compliments. Even though he could bring confidence and competence in certain situations, he feels he lacks confidence in other areas. So, as I listened, I was able to hear his vulnerability. And, we don't often go deeper beyond the weather unless we feel safe. James is doing  what he teaches leaders to do: be authentic, be vulnerable, and listen. You may never know how impactful your listening is to another human being.


The moral of the story is that we consistently write these stories in our heads that are holding us back from greatness. You don't need to put barriers in your way of becoming who you are authentically. You can be vulnerable and honest. You are here on purpose, and you are enough. 


How to Connect More with James Robilotta:


LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jamesrobilotta/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jamestrobo/?hl=en

Twitter: https://twitter.com/JamesTRobo

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JamesTRobo/

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