Are you secretly ready to give up? Not feeling like showing up anymore? You'd rather turn off your phone, stay in bed and avoid everything. It all seems pointless. If this is how you're feeling lately, you're not alone.

That's not the end of your story. In this week's episode, Lia Dunlap talks about how you can apply spiritual awakening to a career change.  

Part One of ‘What is Spiritual Awakening? (How to Apply it to a Career Change)’

Have you ever found yourself completely distraught, unable to get up, go to work, even to take a shower? You feel lost, and something's wrong. Every day you feel like you're losing touch with reality. You tell yourself you can't do it anymore. Then, an inner voice tells you that if you don't swim, you will die. Something inside of you is pushing you to fight. To get back up again.

“The universe will always send you signs when you're off track.” - Lia Dunlap (02:24-02:29)

Many people say that spiritual awakenings can be painful. It could be you missed signs you're off track. You've wandered away from the right path. If you take a couple of wrong turns, it's not too late. Take this moment to pause and reflect on life and everything you do. Are you able to do things that you're called to do? 

There are moments when you feel stuck and scared. You forget to tap into your internal guidance system. It takes time and commitment to get back on track. Life is full of ups and downs.

If you take the time to focus and let that spiritual awakening take you to new horizons, you'll see what's waiting for you on the other side. As you hone in on your vision and goals, more growth and opportunities will align with the work that you do.

Part Two of ‘What is Spiritual Awakening? (How to Apply it to a Career Change)’

If you find yourself in a place wondering what the point is of getting up again? Why go to work again? Why do the same thing? Hoping that somehow at the end of the day, week or year, it's magically going to be different. Let this be a reminder that spiritual awakening, while it might be painful at first, is just that it's an awakening of something that already exists inside of you.

It is the very thing that you were created to deliver. If you lean into that, you may find yourself in a place where doing your work fulfills you. The possibility of you existing is so astronomical that you are here on purpose.

“Take one step every day toward your vision.” - Lia Dunlap (09:21-08:37)

If you find yourself in that dark place, look at yourself in the mirror. Find the answer: what are you doing here? The next step is to get yourself out of that space. This could be changing careers or relationships. When it comes time to change careers, you don't have to burn all of the bridges right off the bat.


There is a way to get where you want to go. A path with ease, joy, and purpose. It takes saying, yes, that there is something you want out there. That you are ready to do whatever your real work is. Once you do that, while not easy, the rest is pretty simple.

Continue to follow that internal guidance. That's happening as you awaken to who you are and why you're here. Take one step every day, no matter how small, toward that vision, toward that horizon, that awakening inside of you. The universe is waiting for you.

The people you're meant to serve and lives that you will impact, those things are all outside of you right now. When you can lift yourself out of that space, listen to the guidance that's coming through that awakening space. Without fear, without judgment. Do it with curiosity and hope. Then you will see how beautiful spiritual awakening is for your life and your future.

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