Do you ever find yourself paralyzed by the fear of making a wrong choice? You're a smart, talented, professional leader, and suddenly you seize up. A decision to move forward towards your next big vision is looming, and you're waiting to decide yes or a no. If this sounds like anything you're going through, know that you're not alone at all.

Part One of ‘Asking the Universe - Using Divine Guidance to Grow Your Potential'

You might find yourself tossing and turning at night. Slinking off to binge watch Netflix, or standing in front of the refrigerator snacking. Perhaps you notice that you're drinking more than you used to. We're born to live our lives fully. However, those who master following divine guidance know that the power of a life lived fully. Both ends are the goal. Be passionate about the experiences and opportunities that you meet at every turn.

“Embrace the power of free will and joyously be alive in every choice you make.” – Lia Dunlap (03:39-03:47)

To embrace the power of free will and joyously be alive in every choice you make, all you have to do is ask the universe. You can use divine guidance to grow your potential. The trick is once you do, you must be the one to act. You need to act on the direction that you're given. Remember this; the universe doesn't happen to you. The universe happens through you. You are the tool of creation, and you are here on purpose.

Part Two of ‘Asking the Universe - Using Divine Guidance to Grow Your Potential’

As you watch people step away from meaningless things to explore their real gifts and bring greater joy to the world through their purpose, the universe is indeed on your side. The universe loves you. It supports you; it wants you to win.

“Step away from meaningless work to explore your true gifts and bring greater joy to the world through your purpose.” – Lia Dunlap (06:57-07:06)

Without action, the vision is useless, and your purpose cannot be fulfilled. It's time for you to decide how bad do you want something. Will you do whatever it takes to get it? All you need to do is focus and share your results. Figure out what you want. Ask the universe what you need to do next and then go out and do it.

How to Get Involved

Complete the form below and you will receive the instructions to download your FREE 30 Minute Hypnosis for Self-Confidence Audio Instantly. This powerful self-hypnosis session is designed to help you increase your level of self-confidence in all areas of your life including your BUSINESS! You will learn to be positive and effective in both your work and home life. Each time you listen to the audio your level of self-confidence will grow, leaving you more energized and at peace.