What if you discovered a blueprint that could grow your organization’s reputation and loyalty, dramatically reduce customer service issues, produce content and technology, and cement a powerful, lasting relationship between you and your customers?

Jono Bacon is a leading community and collaboration speaker, author, and podcaster. He is the founder of Jono Bacon Consulting which provides community strategy/execution, workflow, and other services.


“Our relationship with brands is changing. 10 years ago, 15 years ago, we primarily engage with companies via their customer support line or their email address. And now generations are growing up and expecting companies and organizations to be invested in their success with their products. Communities are a fantastic way of doing that.”

– Jono Bacon


Supercharge Your Organization with People Power

Get Results Faster by Unlocking Exclusive 'People Powered' content and downloadable templates: https://www.jonobacon.com/resources/

  Key Takeaways from Jono Bacon:

“There’s something very satisfying about being around people who have something in common with.“

“Once you have a sense of the community you want to build and who you want to attract, focus on what are the things that we want to deliver. What are the deliverables look like and how do we measure it. “

Connect with Jono Bacon: Website: https://www.jonobacon.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jonobacon Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jonobacon   Connect with Trish Tagle: TrishTagle.com: https://trishtagle.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TrishTagleLeadership LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/patriciatagle  Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iamtrishtagle  Book: Everyone Knows You Suck: Bad Boss Stories. A Succinct Guide by Trish Tagle