Listen as Jeremy describes ways for you to upgrade your focus!

Your Focus determines your reality in any given moment through out the day and your life. So, when we are having those feelings of brain fog, writers block, overwhelm, or just plain lack of ability to get things done.

Remember, the fact is, our minds can only focus on ONE thing. So, the key to “blocking out” the external noise isn’t to try to “block out” the external noise. It’s to turn the volume up on your OWN focused thinking such that your mind doesn’t even notice the external distractions.

How do we do that? FOCUS. On what? On what's important now, in this moment.

Unfortunately, most of us have destroyed our ability to truly, deeply, sustainably Focus by allowing our minds to bounce from input to input to input all day every day.

We must train or in most cases re-train ourselves.

Focus is a choice

Re-focus is a SKILL

Focus isn't something you have, It's something you DO!

When you have those feelings that you can't get something done or you are in a wandering mind. Simply ask yourself.

What am I focused on right now?

That will allow you to Re-focus on what you WANT and now your actions can get back on task and lead you there.

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