FOCUS - seeing the light at the end of the tunnel ignoring the noise. putting energy into what is important. not where you are but where you want to be.

"What you focus on expands"

Your brain focuses on what's relevant, so you can train your brain to what's relevant. it's called...

1. Selective Attention - is the process of directing our awareness to relevant stimuli while ignoring irrelevant stimuli in the environment.

This starts by getting clear on your goals, clear on the result you want, clear on the outcome you desire.

A Key Principle of high performance is knowing where you want to be and regularly looking at it and most important making it a key component of your Identity.

2. Strategic Ignorance - you don't want to be informed about everything. most news, newsfeeds create fomo and fear which is all distractions taking you away from FOCUS.

What you let in literally shapes your brain.

Shapes your desires.

Shapes your interests.

Shapes the places you go, to the food that you eat.

What are the things you should be ignorant of?

Apply these two pillars and let's start shaping our own future.

Own our future.

Own our FOCUS!