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         Velvet Sky (Jamie Szantyr), Professional Wrestler with Ring of Honor.

         Twitter: @VelVelHoller

         IG:       @SkyIsVelvet

         IG:       @AnimalsForLifeCT


Optimal Concept of the Week:  Owning Personal Accountability


Victim Mindset or Creator Mindset


Related to health – Increase stress leads to increase Cortisol, decrease immunity, weight gain and increased pain.


In the political realm, creates a dilemma when it comes to universal health care.


Ask the Doc:   “What can I do to treat Tennis Elbow and/or Golfers Elbow”


Related to Wrist movements.  Tennis elbow is a stress of the lateral epicondyle at the origin of the extensor tendons. Golfer’s is a stress of the medial epicondyle from the flexor tendons. Typically has little to do with the elbow movement, but they can affect pain in later stages.


Use a brace, icing, never heat. Sleep with a wrist brace, mobility work of wrist and forearm muscles. Soft tissue work on forearm muscles, not at site of pain. Laser therapy, try to avoid cortisone. Useless forearm braces


Rehab using a flex bar, we will post a video.


Final Thots:  Trapezius training


Straight up and down, don’t roll, better to pull shoulders toward back of head due to direction of muscle fibers. Slow and steady, don’t use speed. No need to bend elbows. Upright rows work well but can be rough on wrists.