Optimal FNXN

Episode 2 Notes




Introduction and Interview of Rich Ross:


Optimal Concept of the Week:

“Water Your Plants Daily”

            -Long-term consistency outshines short-term intensity






Ask the Doc: 

“Is it better to do cardio before weights or after weights?”

Cardio before: 

Pros:    Increases anabolic hormones such as testosterone and growth hormone and suppresses cortisol.

            Pre-exhausts certain muscles so you can use less weight for similar effect.

            Increases synovial fluid in joints.

            Increases core temperature

            Increases blood flow to the working muscles.

            Mild dynamic stretch.

            Put mental focus into workout.


Cons:   Energy level, decreased glycogen stores faster.

            Greater than 5-10 can tired muscle.

            Doesn’t hit upper body as a warm-up.


            Weights before: 

Pros:    Increases fat burning in first 15 minutes of cardio because glycogen stores are depleted.

Improved energy level to lift heavier.

Switch areas upper/lower based on what you lifted.


In one study, 10 weeks of resistance training increased resting metabolic rate by 7 percent—and reduced fat weight by almost four pounds. Don’t skip cardio altogether, though, as the aerobic portion of your workout will still torch more calories minute for minute than the strength training portion will.



Cons:   Won’t improve cardio performance.

            Less cardiovascular health benefit.  


Cardio on non-weight training days or at separate times of the day?


Final Thots:

“Using Momentum During Lifts stresses joints and increases negative inflammation and decreases activation of the muscle.”



Optimal FNXN

Episode 2 Notes




Introduction and Interview of Rich Ross:


Optimal Concept of the Week:

“Water Your Plants Daily”

            -Long-term consistency outshines short-term intensity






Ask the Doc: 

“Is it better to do cardio before weights or after weights?”

Cardio before: 

Pros:    Increases anabolic hormones such as testosterone and growth hormone and suppresses cortisol.

            Pre-exhausts certain muscles so you can use less weight for similar effect.

            Increases synovial fluid in joints.

            Increases core temperature

            Increases blood flow to the working muscles.

            Mild dynamic stretch.

            Put mental focus into workout.


Cons:   Energy level, decreased glycogen stores faster.

            Greater than 5-10 can tired muscle.

            Doesn’t hit upper body as a warm-up.


            Weights before: 

Pros:    Increases fat burning in first 15 minutes of cardio because glycogen stores are depleted.

Improved energy level to lift heavier.

Switch areas upper/lower based on what you lifted.


In one study, 10 weeks of resistance training increased resting metabolic rate by 7 percent—and reduced fat weight by almost four pounds. Don’t skip cardio altogether, though, as the aerobic portion of your workout will still torch more calories minute for minute than the strength training portion will.



Cons:   Won’t improve cardio performance.

            Less cardiovascular health benefit.  


Cardio on non-weight training days or at separate times of the day?


Final Thots:

“Using Momentum During Lifts stresses joints and increases negative inflammation and decreases activation of the muscle.”