We sit down with one of the leading experts in the Bondarchuk Training System, Derek Evely. As a renowned track and field coach, Evely has mastered the chaotic nature of the Bondarchuk Training System and deciphered how to best apply it to individual and team athletes. Evely breaks down the ideals presented in the system and how coaches can apply it to their athletes — on this episode of The OPEX Podcast.


Derek Evely has been involved in the sport of athletics most of his life as both an athlete and a coach. He has been coaching for the past 30 years, 20 of them professionally. He has been a member of numerous Canadian and British national teams including the Olympic Games, IAAF World Championships, Commonwealth Games, Pan American Games and European Championships. He was the development coach for Gary Reed (Osaka World Championships 800m Silver Medalist) and Dylan Armstrong (Beijing Olympic Shot Put Bronze Medalist). He has also coached successful international hammer throwers Mark Dry, Sophie Hitchon and Sultana Frizell.

In 2006 he began work as the Sport Science Manager at the Canadian Athletics Coaching Centre. In his 4 years there he was instrumental in the development of one of the best coaching education resources in the world, the CACC website. In 2009 Evely was appointed National Performance Center Director, Loughborough for UK Athletics leading into the 2012 Olympic Games, where he was a staff coach for Britain in the throws.

Currently Evely is the owner / operator of EveltrakSport.com, a website offering various courses on training, theory and methodology and other aspects related to sport development. He is considered an authority on the Bondarchuk Method of developing performance athletes and still works closely with Dr. Anatoliy Bondarchuk to educate coaches and sport trainers on how to improve their athletes. He also consults globally for various federations on all aspects of coach and athlete development, specializing in high performance training systems and youth development programming


Websites and Social Media Links:

Website – Eveltraksport.comFacebook – Derek EvelyTwitter - @eveltrakInstagram - eveltrak

Books mentioned:

Periodization of Training in Sports: Volume 1

Periodization of Training in Sports: Volume 2

Periodization of Training in Sports: Volume 3

Periodization of Training in Sports: Volume 4

Transfer of Training Volume 1

Transfer of Training Volume 2

Transfer of Training Volume 3

Olympian Manual for Strength and Size

Champion School: A Year to Year Model to Developing Elite Athletes

Soviet Sports MethodsBlock Periodization 1Block Periodization 2

Building The Modern Athlete: Scientific Advancements and Training Innovations

Special Strength Training Manual for Coaches


Science and Practice of Strength Training (1st Edition)


Derek’s Book Recommendations:


My Cross to BearWho I Am: A MemoirBorn to Run


Enlightenment Now


Podcasts Mentioned

All Things Strength and Wellness - Episode 83: Interview with Derek Evely - All Things Bondarchuk - Part 1All Things Strength and Wellness - Episode 84: Interview with Derek Evely - All Things Bondarchuk - Part 2


Resources and People mentioned:Bondarchuk System CourseUltimate Athlete Concepts Anatoliy BondarchukVladimir IssurinYuri VerkhoshanksyPeter Tschiene Buddy MorrisPaul Chek

Jean M. Twenge



0:00 –– 4:26 - Robbie Intro’s the show and asks Derek to introduce himself4:27 – 10:06 - Robbie asks Derek what it was like to write a book with Dr. Bondarchuk10:07 – 17:09 - Robbie asks Derek to outline Dr. Bondarchuk’s four exercise classifications

17:10 – 21:45 - Robbie and Derek get into a conversation on how someone could utilize Dr. Bondarchuk’s exercise classification for team sports21:46 – 22:50 - Robbie asks Derek has he ever ask Dr. Bondarchuk about applying his exercise classification system to team sports22:51 – 24:31 - Robbie asks Derek – why did Dr. Bondarchuk move to Canada? 24:32 – 38:33 - Robbie asks Derek to outline Dr. Bondarchuk’s different training systems

38:34 – 41:46 - Robbie asks Derek – within the Stage Method – do you completely cease doing GPE and SPE work or just GPE work, and Robbie also asks Derek about the role of training residuals within some of Dr. Bondarchuk’s methods

41:47 – 46:26 - Robbie and Derek get into a discussion on training residuals and the work of Vladimir Issurin within this area

46:27 – 59:19 - Robbie and Derek discuss the block systems of Vladimir Issurin and Yuri Verkhoshanksy, skill acquisition, the dangers of the classic Block and Stage Method approaches with regards to injury, and consolidation of stressors59:20 – 1:04:19 - Derek speaks about utilizing rest (wash-out) cycles within the Bondarchuk system1:04:20 – 1:14:10 - Robbie asks Derek to describe the three different types of athlete responses often observed within the Bondarchuk system1:14:11 – 1:21:11 - Robbie asks Derek – Why does Dr. Bondarchuk recommend a complete change in training methodology every 3-5 years within an athletes career?1:21:12 – 1:27:57 - Robbie asks Derek about the importance of tracking trends in the performance of each individual athlete1:27:58 – 1:31:31 - Robbie asks Derek how could you use the Bondurchuk model of tracking trends for a team sport, if possible?

1:31:32 – 1:35:59 - Robbie asks Derek has he notice any longer-term trends within the Bondarchuk system1:36:00 – 1:37:01 - Robbie asks Derek to discuss the different types of program set ups within the Bondarchuk system1:37:02 – 1:58:19 - Robbie asks Derek about the difference between specificity versus transfer, and then both Robbie and Derek go on to discuss the importance of variation in training as the athlete develops and matures1:58:20 – 2:03:04 - Robbie asks Derek – what are the biggest lessons he has learn so far in his career?2:03:05 – 2:09:02 - Robbie asks Derek for his top resources and his top and current book recommendations2:09:03 – 2:09:24 - Robbie asks Derek if he only had 1 year left on Planet Earth - how would he spend that year and why?2:09:25 – 2:12:30 - Robbie asks Derek – if he could invite 5 people to dinner, dead or alive, who would he invite and why?2:12:31 – 2:14:16 - Robbie wraps up the show!

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