Dr. James Hoffmann, sports performance consultant at Renaissance Periodization and author of Recovery from Training, discusses the strategies athletes can use to help them recover from training — on this episode of the OPEX Podcast.


Dr. James Hoffmann​ ​holds a PhD in Sport Physiology and​ is a consultant for Renaissance Periodization. He is also the former Program Director of the Exercise and Sport Science program and the women’s Rugby team coach at Temple University in Philadelphia, PA. While at Temple, James taught courses in strength and conditioning theory, strength and conditioning practice, exercise physiology, and biochemistry. James earned his PhD under Dr. Mike Stone at ETSU, where he focused on the application of sled pushing to sport performance enhancement in Rugby players. As the team’s assistant coach and Head Sport Scientist, James has coached numerous Rugby players at ETSU, where he was also the head strength and conditioning coach and weight room manager. Originally from Chicago, Illinois, James is a lifelong athlete, who has achieved high ranks in competitive Rugby, American Football, and Wrestling, and is currently pursuing Thai boxing.

Websites and Social Media Links:

Website - Renaissance Periodization

Website - Juggernaut Training SystemsFacebook - Renaissance Periodization

Twitter - @RPStrengthInstagram - rpstrengthYouTube – Renaissance PeriodizationYouTube – Juggernaut Training SystemsBooks mentioned:

How Much Should I Train: An Introduction to Training Volume LandmarksHow To Recovery: How to Manage Recovery and Maximize PerformanceThe Scientific Principles of Strength Training

The Renaissance Diet

Recovery for Performance in Sport

Books mentioned by RobbieMans Search for Meaning 

Podcasts Mentioned

Dr. Ruscio Radio Podcast - Loneliness Is As Bad As Smoking with Dr. Bryan Walsh and Dr. Mike Nelson, Live From Costa Rica

Revive Stronger Podcast

Resources and People mentioned:


Renaissance Periodization BooksRenaissance Periodization TemplatesWim Hoff

Dr. Jack KruseDr. Michael Ruscio

Dr. Ben HouseDr. Bryan WalshDr. Mike T. NelsonDr. Scott Stevenson

Steve Hall

Charlie Francis

Dr. Doug Wallace

Joel Jamieson

Christian Thibaudeau

CJ MartinDr. William Sands


0:00 – 3:45 – Robbie Intro’s the show and asks James how he has been since they last spoke3:46 – 10:07 - Robbie asks James to outline the therapeutic and supplemental strategies covered in chapter 7 of the “Recovery from Training” eBook.

10:08 – 14:21 - Robbie asks James does he know of the potential mechanism that cold therapy plays in helping to enhance recovery of speed and skill abilities vs strength abilities?14:22 – 17:18 - Robbie asks James has he looked into any research showing a difference between the benefits of cold water therapy vs cryotherapy 17:19 – 20:49 - Robbie asks James about heat therapies such as Sauna’s

20:50 – 23:59 - James continues with a discussion in contrast therapies24:00 – 36:15 - Robbie asks James what does his recommend for sets and reps and time duration for contrasts baths 36:16 – 44:58 - Robbie asks James to discuss compression-based recovery modalities 44:59 – 52:37 - Robbie asks James to discuss the importance of social support regarding recovery from training52:38 – 53:47 - Robbie and James discuss how random acts of kindness could potentiate a higher recovery state

53:48 – 59:38 - Robbie asks James - what is true health? 59:39 – 1:08:39 - Robbie asks James about the use of E-Stim for recovery?1:08:40 – 1:12:56 - Robbie asks James about some dishonourable recovery methods mentioned in the book1:12:57 – 1:13:23 - Robbie quickly summarizes everything James and he have covered in this episode from the book1:13:24 – 1:22:46 - Robbie asks James to discuss the “Recovery Roadmap”

1:22:47 – 1:26:21 - Robbie mentions to James that he appreciates the point that he (James) writes about in the book – That it is to ask – “what can I take away to enhance my recovery rather than what can I add.” Robbie and James also discuss how it is essential for a coach to know how much volume and load their athletes can handle and not to let their own perceptions misguide this process

1:26:22 – 1:28:40 - Robbie asks James to share a quote from Dr. William Sands that he (James) closes the book out with1:28:41 – 1:34:45 - Robbie asks James to briefly discuss the “Recovery Toolbox”

1:34:46 – 1:35:47 - Robbie wraps up the Show!

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