Strength speed work is one of the most important types of strength work for athletes looking to succeed in competitive CrossFit. James FitzGerald breaks down why this portion of the strength continuum is only meant for 2% of the population -- on this episode of the OPEX Podcast.


The guy that paints the picture, James is the founder of OPEX (Formerly OPT) and The InternationalCenter for Fitness. When not coaching, he’s a full time husband, father and fitness athlete. His 20+years of experience and service as a strength coach/technician, tireless practice on refining energysystem work, nutritional and lifestyle balancing techniques and training of other coaches has madeOPEX a sought after method of bringing fitness to a Higher Order.

James has found a desire and passion to understanding fitness through assessment, testing,research, programming and more. He has had many years experience as an athlete from earlychildhood into adulthood, from playing top level soccer, short and long distance running to CrossFitwhere he was crowned “The Fittest on Earth”, Winner of the 2007 CrossFit Games.


Website and Social Media Links:

Website –

Facebook – OPEX FitnessTwitter - @OPEXFitnessInstagram - opexfitnessYouTube – OPEX Fitness


Books Mentioned:Books Mentioned by James:


Books Mentioned by Robbie:

SupertrainingWhen Breathe Becomes AirWhy We SleepThe Vital QuestionLife’s Greatest Secret

Being Mortal


Resources and People Mentioned:

OPEX CCP – Level 1

OPEX Strength-Speed eBook – Free DownloadEric Cresseys Strength-Speed Continuum Bryan Mann’s Book -Developing Explosive Athletes: Use of Velocity Based Training in Training Athletes



0:00 – 5:04 – Robbie intros the show and asks James what’s new?

5:05 – 10:08 - Robbie asks James – what is strength-speed?10:09 – 15:25 - Robbie and James discuss some of the potential flaws surrounding the concept of the force-velocity curve. Should it be termed the load-velocity curve?15:26 – 16:03 - Robbie briefly mentions the importance of semantics when discussing training concepts

16:04 – 19:10 - Robbie ask James if he thinks that reactive-strength is a component of strength-speed qualities?19:11 – 25:23 - Robbie asks James – who should do strength-speed work within their training and what pre-requisites need to be in place before someone introduces strength-speed into their training?25:24 – 29:22 - Robbie asks James – would he include some RFD work in the training programs for elderly clients to potentially decrease their risk of falls as they age?29:23 – 35:49 - Robbie asks James – would he ever prescribe strength-speed work within a general population persons training program if they presented with the necessary prerequisites?35:50 – 37:57 - Robbie asks James – should no one (outside of competitive weightlifters, and Crossfit athletes) do Olympic weightlifting until their 25 years of age? 37:58 – 53:40 - Robbie ask James about speed training and its relationship to both training age and biological age

53:41 – 67:47 - Robbie asks James to discuss the different ways to incorporate strength-speed work into an individual’s program67:48 – 72:09 - Robbie asks James – what is he currently reading?72:10 - 72:41 - Robbie wraps up the show!

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