Kindness is an often ignored virtue. It is for others. 

Nirmala Mehandale is the President of the World Kindness Movement and is trying to bring joy to people across through the world with sustained kindness. 

In a world full of negativity the kindness movement is trying to make a mark. You can help too. This Christmas be a Santa to Someone. Reach out to Nirmala for more.

In this episode Nirmala explains how she stumbled into making Kindness a passion for her and how is she taking this to more people. Some nuggets from the show:

1. Kindness is a bridge
2. Human race survived due to compassion, empathy, and kindness 
3. We can be kind everywhere. Even at work
4. Being kind is not a weakness. It's a strength. Your super power. 
5. First be kind to yourself though. 

For more such heartwarming messages and an inspirational message listen on. 

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